Direction: In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error. If the sentence is free from error, choose the No error.

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    It is Preposition related error. Look at the sentence : l I can’t easily give an answer to the question. Hence, answers/solutions to it is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    It is Preposition related error. Look at the sentence : l I can’t easily give an answer to the question. Hence, answers/solutions to it is the right usage.

Direction: In the following questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. If a sentence is free from errors, your answer is No error.

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    Here, He has an attack is the right usage. Have shouldnot be used in the Progressive Tenses.

    Correct Option: A

    Here, He has an attack is the right usage. Have shouldnot be used in the Progressive Tenses.

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    Who is used to show which person or people you mean/used in question. Whom is used as the Object of a Verb or Preposition. Hence, who the is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    Who is used to show which person or people you mean/used in question. Whom is used as the Object of a Verb or Preposition. Hence, who the is the right usage.

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    Here, Subject (The leader) is Singular. Hence, Singular Verb i.e. was sent (v3) to prison is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    Here, Subject (The leader) is Singular. Hence, Singular Verb i.e. was sent (v3) to prison is the right usage.

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    A large consignment (Singular Collective Noun) agrees with Singular Verb (is). Hence, is expected is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    A large consignment (Singular Collective Noun) agrees with Singular Verb (is). Hence, is expected is the right usage.