8085 Microprocessors

8085 Microprocessors

  1. To program 8155, port A and port B as output ports, what will be the control word?

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    03 H

    Correct Option: A

    03 H

  1. Which of the following can be used as a multipurpose programmable device?

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    Intel 8155

    Correct Option: A

    Intel 8155

  1. How many I/O ports of 8 bit each are present in Intel 8155?

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    Correct Option: B


  1. Which of the following make 8155 different from 8255?

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    A timer

    Correct Option: A

    A timer

  1. The mode 1 of Intel 8255 performs—

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    I/O with handshake

    Correct Option: D

    I/O with handshake