8085 Microprocessors

8085 Microprocessors

  1. If all the ports of Intel 8255 are programmed as I/P ports in mode 0, the CW will be—

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    9B H

    Correct Option: A

    9B H

  1. Bit D7 of the control register in 8255 specifies—

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    Both I/O and BSR functions

    Correct Option: C

    Both I/O and BSR functions

  1. The mode 1 of Intel 8255 performs—

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    I/O with handshake

    Correct Option: D

    I/O with handshake

  1. Intel 8255 is a …… pin IC.

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    Correct Option: B


  1. What is the IC number of the programmable peripheral interface?

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    Intel 8255

    Correct Option: A

    Intel 8255