8085 Microprocessors

8085 Microprocessors

  1. A program that translates english-like words of a high level language into the machine language of a computer is—

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    A compiler

    Correct Option: A

    A compiler

  1. How much is the size of a nibble?

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    1 Nibble = 4 Bits

    Correct Option: D

    1 Nibble = 4 Bits

  1. "The number of transistors per integrated circuit would double every 18 months", this came to be known as—

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    Moore's law

    Correct Option: C

    Moore's law

  1. In Intel 8085, what is the size of the Accumulator register?

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    The size of the Accumulator register in 8085 is 8 bits.

    Correct Option: A

    The size of the Accumulator register in 8085 is 8 bits.

  1. What will be the size of memory address space for a 16-bit data and 20-bit address bus?

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    The memory address space is determined by the address bus
    ∴ 20 bit address bus
    ⇒ 220 = 1 MB

    Correct Option: A

    The memory address space is determined by the address bus
    ∴ 20 bit address bus
    ⇒ 220 = 1 MB