8085 Microprocessors

8085 Microprocessors

  1. If the memory chip size is 256 × 1 bits, how many chips are required to make up 1 K (1024) bytes of memory?

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    32 chips

    1024′ 1 = 32
    256′ 1

    Correct Option: B

    32 chips

    1024′ 1 = 32
    256′ 1

  1. How many memory cells are there in a 128 × 4 memory chip?

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    512 No. of memory cells = 128 × 4 = 512

    Correct Option: B

    512 No. of memory cells = 128 × 4 = 512

  1. How many address lines are necessary to address 2MB of memory?

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    Correct Option: A


  1. While executing a program, when the 8085 MPU completes the fetching of the machine code located at the memory address 2057 H, what is the content of the program counter?

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    2058 H

    Correct Option: B

    2058 H

  1. How many address lines are used to identify an I/O port in the memory mapped I/O device?

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    Correct Option: C
