8085 Microprocessors

8085 Microprocessors

  1. The Data Bus is multiplexed with the lower bytes of—

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    Correct Option: A


  1. If Register B contains 28 H, and Accumulator 97 H. What will be the content of Register C after the following program has been executed?
    MOV A, B
    MOVC, A
    MOV B, C
    MOV C, B

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    28 H

    Correct Option: A

    28 H

  1. What is the opcode in the given instruction MVI H, L?

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    ∴ It specifies what the task has to be performed.

    Correct Option: A

    ∴ It specifies what the task has to be performed.

  1. In a flag register of 8085, where does the sign flag and parity flag set?

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    D7 and D2

    Correct Option: C

    D7 and D2

  1. What is the size of the stack pointer in an 8085 MPU?

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    16 bit is the size of the stack pointer in 8085
    ∴ It has to store 4 bit hexadecimal address.

    Correct Option: B

    16 bit is the size of the stack pointer in 8085
    ∴ It has to store 4 bit hexadecimal address.