Immunology Miscellaneous

  1. Identification of blood groups involves

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    All the blood grouping reactions are agglutination reactions. In these the antibodies against A and B antigens when added, they bind to the cell surface and result in dumping of cells. These clumps or settling down of cells is referred to as agglutination.

    Correct Option: D

    All the blood grouping reactions are agglutination reactions. In these the antibodies against A and B antigens when added, they bind to the cell surface and result in dumping of cells. These clumps or settling down of cells is referred to as agglutination.

  1. B-lymphocytes originate from the bone marrow whereas T-lymphocytes originate from

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    All T cells originate from haematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow. B cells undergo their complete maturation in the thymus while, T cells during their early stages of maturation migrate to the thymus and then undergo a process of maturation. They are released as competent and mature T cells from Thymus.

    Correct Option: B

    All T cells originate from haematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow. B cells undergo their complete maturation in the thymus while, T cells during their early stages of maturation migrate to the thymus and then undergo a process of maturation. They are released as competent and mature T cells from Thymus.

  1. A humanized antibody is one in which the

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    A humanized chain is a chain in which the complementarity determining regions (CDR) of the variable domains are foreign (originating from one species other than human, or synthetic) whereas the remaining chain is of human origin.

    Correct Option: D

    A humanized chain is a chain in which the complementarity determining regions (CDR) of the variable domains are foreign (originating from one species other than human, or synthetic) whereas the remaining chain is of human origin.

  1. Nude mice refers to

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    A nude mouse is a laboratory mouse from a strain with a genetic mutation that causes a deteriorated or absent thymus, resulting in an inhibited immune system due to a greatly reduced number of T cells.

    Correct Option: B

    A nude mouse is a laboratory mouse from a strain with a genetic mutation that causes a deteriorated or absent thymus, resulting in an inhibited immune system due to a greatly reduced number of T cells.

  1. Heat inactivation of serum is done to inactivate

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    Heat-inactivation (heating to 56°C for 30 minutes) of serum is done to inactivate complement, a group of proteins present in sera that are part of the immune response.

    Correct Option: C

    Heat-inactivation (heating to 56°C for 30 minutes) of serum is done to inactivate complement, a group of proteins present in sera that are part of the immune response.