Current Electricity

Current Electricity

  1. A 12 cm wire is given a shape of a right angled triangle ABC having sides 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm as shown in the figure. The resistance between two ends (AB, BC, CA) of the respective sides are measured one by one by a multi-meter. The resistances will be in the ratio of

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    Resistance is directly proportional to length

    1=1= 1=(4 + 5) + 3
    RAB34 + 5(3)(4 + 5)

    RAB =
    3 × (4 + 5)
    3 + (4 + 5)12

    RBC =
    4 × (3 + 5)
    4 + (3 + 5)12

    RAC =
    5 × (3 + 4)
    5 + (3 + 4)12

    ∴ RAB : RBC : RAC = 27 : 32 : 35

    Correct Option: C

    Resistance is directly proportional to length

    1=1= 1=(4 + 5) + 3
    RAB34 + 5(3)(4 + 5)

    RAB =
    3 × (4 + 5)
    3 + (4 + 5)12

    RBC =
    4 × (3 + 5)
    4 + (3 + 5)12

    RAC =
    5 × (3 + 4)
    5 + (3 + 4)12

    ∴ RAB : RBC : RAC = 27 : 32 : 35

  1. The velocity of charge carriers of current (about 1 amp) in a metal under normal conditions is of the order of​​

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    Correct Option: A


  1. If a negligibly small current is passed through a wire of length 15 m and of resistance 5Ω having uniform cross-section of 6 × 10–7 m2 , then coefficient of resistivity of material, is​​

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    Given : Length of wire (l) = 15m ​
    Area (A) = 6 × 10–7
    Resistance (R) = 5Ω. ​
    We know that resistance of the wire material

    R = ρl

    ⇒ 5 = ρ ×15= 2.5 × 10-7ρ
    6 × 10-7

    ⇒ ρ =5= 2.5 × 10-7Ω - m
    2.5 × 10-7

    [where ρ = coefficient of resistivity]

    Correct Option: B

    Given : Length of wire (l) = 15m ​
    Area (A) = 6 × 10–7
    Resistance (R) = 5Ω. ​
    We know that resistance of the wire material

    R = ρl

    ⇒ 5 = ρ ×15= 2.5 × 10-7ρ
    6 × 10-7

    ⇒ ρ =5= 2.5 × 10-7Ω - m
    2.5 × 10-7

    [where ρ = coefficient of resistivity]

  1. If a wire of resistance R is melted and recasted to half of its length, then the new resistance of the wire will be​​

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    Initial resistance (R1) = R; Initial length l1is 1and final length (l2) = 0.5 l . Volume of a wire = l . A.  Since the volume of the wire remains the same after recasting, therefore l1. A1 = l2 A2

    We also know that resistance of a wire (R)

    R = ρ ×
    .; R ∝

    R1=l1 ×A2 = l × 2 = 4

    or, R2 =

    [Alt : When wires are drawn from same volume but with different area of cross-section, then
    R ∝1
    (Area of cross-section)²

    Correct Option: A

    Initial resistance (R1) = R; Initial length l1is 1and final length (l2) = 0.5 l . Volume of a wire = l . A.  Since the volume of the wire remains the same after recasting, therefore l1. A1 = l2 A2

    We also know that resistance of a wire (R)

    R = ρ ×
    .; R ∝

    R1=l1 ×A2 = l × 2 = 4

    or, R2 =

    [Alt : When wires are drawn from same volume but with different area of cross-section, then
    R ∝1
    (Area of cross-section)²

  1. ​Two batteries, one of emf 18 volt and internal

    resistance 2Ω and the other of emf 12 volt and internal resistance 1Ω, are connected as shown. The voltmeter V will record a reading of​​

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    (Since the cells are in parallel).

    Correct Option: D

    (Since the cells are in parallel).