Current Electricity

Current Electricity

  1. Resistances n, each of r ohm, when connected in parallel give an equivalent resistance of R ohm. If these resistances were connected in series, the combination would have a resistance in ohms, equal to​​

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    R =r⇒ r = nR

    When connected in series, Req = nr ​= n (nR) = n²R

    Correct Option: B

    R =r⇒ r = nR

    When connected in series, Req = nr ​= n (nR) = n²R

  1. When a wire of uniform cross–section a, length l and resistance R is bent into a complete circle, resistance between any two of diametrically opposite points will be ​​

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    Correct Option: A

  1. A wire of resistance 12 ohms per meter is bent to form a complete circle of radius 10 cm. The resistance between its two diametrically opposite points, A and B as shown in the figure, is​​​

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    The resistance of length 2πR is 12Ω. Hence the resistance of length πR is  6Ω. Thus two resistances of 6Ω can be represented as shown in fig. 2.

    ∴Equivalent resistance R =6 × 6= 3 Ω

    Correct Option: A

    The resistance of length 2πR is 12Ω. Hence the resistance of length πR is  6Ω. Thus two resistances of 6Ω can be represented as shown in fig. 2.

    ∴Equivalent resistance R =6 × 6= 3 Ω

  1. A ring is made of a wire having a resistance R0 = 12 Ω. Find the points A and B as shown in the figure, at which a current carrying conductor should be connected so that the resistance R of the sub-circuit between these points is equal to 8/3 Ω .

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    Let x is the resistance per unit length then

    8y² + 8 + 16y = 36y ​
    ⇒​8y² – 20y + 8 = 0 ​
    ⇒​2y² – 5y + 2 = 0 ​
    ⇒​2y² – 4y – y + 2 = 0 ​
    ⇒​2y (y – 2) – 1(y – 2) = 0 ​
    ⇒​(2y – 1) (y – 2) = 0

    ⇒ y =
    or 2

    Correct Option: D

    Let x is the resistance per unit length then

    8y² + 8 + 16y = 36y ​
    ⇒​8y² – 20y + 8 = 0 ​
    ⇒​2y² – 5y + 2 = 0 ​
    ⇒​2y² – 4y – y + 2 = 0 ​
    ⇒​2y (y – 2) – 1(y – 2) = 0 ​
    ⇒​(2y – 1) (y – 2) = 0

    ⇒ y =
    or 2

  1. A 12 cm wire is given a shape of a right angled triangle ABC having sides 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm as shown in the figure. The resistance between two ends (AB, BC, CA) of the respective sides are measured one by one by a multi-meter. The resistances will be in the ratio of

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    Resistance is directly proportional to length

    1=1= 1=(4 + 5) + 3
    RAB34 + 5(3)(4 + 5)

    RAB =
    3 × (4 + 5)
    3 + (4 + 5)12

    RBC =
    4 × (3 + 5)
    4 + (3 + 5)12

    RAC =
    5 × (3 + 4)
    5 + (3 + 4)12

    ∴ RAB : RBC : RAC = 27 : 32 : 35

    Correct Option: C

    Resistance is directly proportional to length

    1=1= 1=(4 + 5) + 3
    RAB34 + 5(3)(4 + 5)

    RAB =
    3 × (4 + 5)
    3 + (4 + 5)12

    RBC =
    4 × (3 + 5)
    4 + (3 + 5)12

    RAC =
    5 × (3 + 4)
    5 + (3 + 4)12

    ∴ RAB : RBC : RAC = 27 : 32 : 35