Alternating Current

Alternating Current

  1. A coil has resistance 30 ohm and inductive reactance 20 ohm at 50 Hz frequency. If an ac source, of 200 volt, 100 Hz, is connected across the coil, the current in the coil will be​​

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    If ω = 50 × 2π then ωL = 20Ω ​
    If ω′ = 100 × 2π then ω′L = 40Ω ​
    Current flowing in the coil is

    I =200= 200 = 200
    ZR² + (ω'L)²(30)² + (40)²

    I = 4A.

    Correct Option: A

    If ω = 50 × 2π then ωL = 20Ω ​
    If ω′ = 100 × 2π then ω′L = 40Ω ​
    Current flowing in the coil is

    I =200= 200 = 200
    ZR² + (ω'L)²(30)² + (40)²

    I = 4A.

  1. An ac voltage is applied to a resistance R and an inductor L in series. If R and the inductive reactance are both equal to 3Ω, the phase difference between the applied voltage and the current in the circuit is​​

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    The phase difference φ is given by ​

    tan φ =

    = 3 = 1 ⇒ φ = π
    3 4

    Correct Option: B

    The phase difference φ is given by ​

    tan φ =

    = 3 = 1 ⇒ φ = π
    3 4

  1. In an electrical circuit R, L, C and an a.c. voltage source are all connected in series. When L is removed from the circuit, the phase difference between the voltage the current in the circuit is  π/3. If instead, C is removed from the circuit, the phase difference is again π/3. The power factor of the circuit is :​​

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    when L is removed from the circuit

    Xc = tan π
    R 3

    Xc = R tanπ...(1)

    when C is remove from the circuit
    XL = tan π
    R 3

    Xc = R tanπ...(2)

    net impedence Z = √R² + (XL - XC = R
    power factor cos φ =
    = 1

    Correct Option: C

    when L is removed from the circuit

    Xc = tan π
    R 3

    Xc = R tanπ...(1)

    when C is remove from the circuit
    XL = tan π
    R 3

    Xc = R tanπ...(2)

    net impedence Z = √R² + (XL - XC = R
    power factor cos φ =
    = 1

  1. A coil of self-inductance L is connected in series with a bulb B and an AC source. Brightness of the bulb decreases when​​

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    ​By inserting iron rod in the coil, ​L ↑ z ↑ I ↓ so brightness ↓

    Correct Option: C

    ​By inserting iron rod in the coil, ​L ↑ z ↑ I ↓ so brightness ↓

  1. A series R-C circuit is connected to an alternating voltage source. Consider two situations:​​
    (A)​When capacitor is air filled. ​
    (B)​When capacitor is mica filled. ​
    Current through resistor is i and voltage across capacitor is V then : ​

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    For series R – C circuit, capacitive reactance,
    Zc = √R² + (1 / Cω)²

    current i =V= V
    ZcR² + (1/Cω)²

    Vc = iXc =V × 1
    R² + (1 / Cω)² (1/Cω)

    Vc = V / √(R Cω)² + 1
    If we fill a di-electric material like mica instead of air then  capacitance C↑ ⇒ Vc↓ ​So, Va > Vb

    Correct Option: A

    For series R – C circuit, capacitive reactance,
    Zc = √R² + (1 / Cω)²

    current i =V= V
    ZcR² + (1/Cω)²

    Vc = iXc =V × 1
    R² + (1 / Cω)² (1/Cω)

    Vc = V / √(R Cω)² + 1
    If we fill a di-electric material like mica instead of air then  capacitance C↑ ⇒ Vc↓ ​So, Va > Vb