Alternating Current

Alternating Current

  1. The primary of a transformer when connected to a dc battery of 10 volt draws a current of 1 mA. The number of turns of the primary and secondary windings are 50 and 100 respectively. The voltage in the secondary and the current drawn by the circuit in the secondary are respectively​​

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    A transformer is essentially an AC device. DC source so no mutual induction between coils
    ⇒ E2 = 0 and I2 = 0

    Correct Option: D

    A transformer is essentially an AC device. DC source so no mutual induction between coils
    ⇒ E2 = 0 and I2 = 0

  1. ​What is the value of inductance L for which the current is maximum in a series LCR circuit with ​C = 10 µF and ω = 1000s– 1 ?​​

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    Condition for which the current is maximum in a series LCR circuit is,

    ω =

    1000 =
    L(10 × 10 -6)

    ⇒  = L = 100 mH

    Correct Option: D

    Condition for which the current is maximum in a series LCR circuit is,

    ω =

    1000 =
    L(10 × 10 -6)

    ⇒  = L = 100 mH

  1. ​Power dissipated in an LCR series circuit connected to an a.c source of emf ε is​

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    Power  dissipated in series LCR;

    P = I² R =
    ε ²

    ε ² R
    [R² + (ωL -(1/ωC))²]

    Where Z = √R² + [ωL -(1 / ωC)]²
    is called the impedance of the circuit.

    Correct Option: D

    Power  dissipated in series LCR;

    P = I² R =
    ε ²

    ε ² R
    [R² + (ωL -(1/ωC))²]

    Where Z = √R² + [ωL -(1 / ωC)]²
    is called the impedance of the circuit.

  1. A condenser of capacity C is charged to a potential difference of V1. The plates of the  condenser are
    then connected to an ideal inductor of inductance L. The current through the inductor when the potential difference across the condenser reduces to V2 is​

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    q = CV1 cos wt

    ⇒ i =
    = - ω Cv1 sin ωt

    Also, ω² =
    and V = V1 cos ωt

    At t = t1, V = V2 and i = -ω CV1 sinωt1
    ∴ cos ωt1 = V2 (–ve sign gives direction)

    = {C(V12) - V22) / L}²

    Correct Option: A

    q = CV1 cos wt

    ⇒ i =
    = - ω Cv1 sin ωt

    Also, ω² =
    and V = V1 cos ωt

    At t = t1, V = V2 and i = -ω CV1 sinωt1
    ∴ cos ωt1 = V2 (–ve sign gives direction)

    = {C(V12) - V22) / L}²

  1. In the given circuit the reading of voltmeter V1 and V2 are 300 volts each. The reading of the voltmeter V3 and ammeter A are respectively​​

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    ​As VL = VC = 300 V, resonance will take place ​​
    ∴ VR = 220 V
    Current, I = 220/100 = 2.2A
    ∴ reading of V3 = 220 V ​
    and reading of A = 2.2 A

    Correct Option: B

    ​As VL = VC = 300 V, resonance will take place ​​
    ∴ VR = 220 V
    Current, I = 220/100 = 2.2A
    ∴ reading of V3 = 220 V ​
    and reading of A = 2.2 A