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Alternating Current

  1. In an electrical circuit R, L, C and an a.c. voltage source are all connected in series. When L is removed from the circuit, the phase difference between the voltage the current in the circuit is  π/3. If instead, C is removed from the circuit, the phase difference is again π/3. The power factor of the circuit is :​​
    1. ​1/2 ​
    2. 1/√2
    3. 1
    4. 3 / 2
Correct Option: C

when L is removed from the circuit

Xc = tan π
R 3

Xc = R tanπ...(1)

when C is remove from the circuit
XL = tan π
R 3

Xc = R tanπ...(2)

net impedence Z = √R² + (XL - XC = R
power factor cos φ =
= 1

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