Analog electronics circuits miscellaneous

Analog electronics circuits miscellaneous

Analog Electronic Circuits

  1. Match each of the items A, B and C with and appropriate item from 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
    In a JFET
    (A) the pinch-off voltage decreases
    (B) the transconductance increases
    (C) the transit time of the carriers in the channel is reduced
    1. the channel doping is reduced
    2. the channel length is increased
    3. the conductivity of the channel increased
    4. the channel length is reduced
    5. the gate area is reduced

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    We know that, pinch-off voltage

    | VP | =
    where VP = pinch-off voltage

    a = channel width
    ND = doping concentration
    ∈ = relative permeability Hence
    A – 1
    ID = b ND. µn
    . VDS → hence B – 4

    Gate decide the flow of electrons to the drain. Hence C – 5.
    A – 1
    B – 4
    C – 5
    Hence alternative (A) is the correct choice.

    Correct Option: A

    We know that, pinch-off voltage

    | VP | =
    where VP = pinch-off voltage

    a = channel width
    ND = doping concentration
    ∈ = relative permeability Hence
    A – 1
    ID = b ND. µn
    . VDS → hence B – 4

    Gate decide the flow of electrons to the drain. Hence C – 5.
    A – 1
    B – 4
    C – 5
    Hence alternative (A) is the correct choice.

  1. Match each of the items A, B and C with an appropriate item from 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. In a bipolar junction transistor:
    (A) the current gain increases
    (B) the collector break-down voltage increases
    (C) the cut-off frequency increases
    1. the base doping is increased and the base width is reduced
    2. the base doping is reduced and the base width is increased
    3. the base doping and the base width are reduced
    4. the emitter area is increased and the collector area is reduced
    5. the base doping and the base width are increased

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    A – 3
    B – 1
    C – 1

    Correct Option: C

    A – 3
    B – 1
    C – 1

  1. An n-channel JFET has IDSS = 1 mA and VP = – 5 V. Its maximum transconductance is:

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    gmo =
    2 × 1 × 10–3
    = 0.4 milli mho.
    | VP |5

    Correct Option: B

    gmo =
    2 × 1 × 10–3
    = 0.4 milli mho.
    | VP |5

  1. An amplifier has an open-loop gain of 100, and its lower and upper-cut -off frequency of 100 Hz and 100 kHz, respectively. A feedback network with a feedback factor of 0.99 is connected to the amplifier. The new lower and upper-cut-off frequencies are at___and ___

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    Af =
    = 1
    1 + Aβ1 + 100 × 0·99

    f*H = fH. (1 + Aβ) = 100 × 103 (1 + 0.99 × 100)
    = 10 MHz
    f*L =
    = 1 = 1 Hz.
    1 + Aβ(1 + 100 × 0·99)

    Correct Option: A

    Af =
    = 1
    1 + Aβ1 + 100 × 0·99

    f*H = fH. (1 + Aβ) = 100 × 103 (1 + 0.99 × 100)
    = 10 MHz
    f*L =
    = 1 = 1 Hz.
    1 + Aβ(1 + 100 × 0·99)

  1. A power amplifier delivers 50 W output at 50% efficiency. The ambient temperature is 25° C. If the maximum allowable junction temperature is 150° C, then the maximum thermal resistance Qjc that can be tolerated is:

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    PD = P0 × efficiency
    = dissipated power at the output

    PD =
    50 × 50
    = 25 W

    Given that, Ti = 150° C
    TA = 25°C
    PD =
    Ti – TA

    where, Ti = instantaneous temperature
    TA = ambient temp.
    Qjc =
    Ti – TA
    150 – 25
    = 5° C/W

    Qjc = thermal resistance

    Correct Option: C

    PD = P0 × efficiency
    = dissipated power at the output

    PD =
    50 × 50
    = 25 W

    Given that, Ti = 150° C
    TA = 25°C
    PD =
    Ti – TA

    where, Ti = instantaneous temperature
    TA = ambient temp.
    Qjc =
    Ti – TA
    150 – 25
    = 5° C/W

    Qjc = thermal resistance