Analog electronics circuits miscellaneous
- The following five statements are made with reference to the cascade amplifier:
(1) It is CE followed by CB
(2) It is CB followed by CE
(3) The load on CE is the input resistance of CB
(4) The Miller effect capacitance is increased compared to a CE stage
(5) The load on the cascade should be less than that in CE
Of the above five statements, the true statements are:
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Correct Option: A
- The two stage of a cascade amplifier have individual upper cut off frequencies at f1 = 5 MHz and f2 = 3.33 MHz. The best approximation for the upper cut-off of the cascade is:
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Upper cut-off frequency of first stage f1 = 5 MHz
upper cut-off frequency of IInd stage f2 = 3.33 MHz after cascading
f1* = f1 √21/n= 1 = √21/2 - 1
= √0·414 = 3.217 MHzafter cascading f2* = f2 = 3·33 √21/n - 1 √1·414 – 1
= 5.17 MHz
n = 2 (for two cascaded stage) upper cut-off after cascading the two stages
= 5.17 – 3.217
= 1.905 MHz ≈ 2 MHzCorrect Option: C
Upper cut-off frequency of first stage f1 = 5 MHz
upper cut-off frequency of IInd stage f2 = 3.33 MHz after cascading
f1* = f1 √21/n= 1 = √21/2 - 1
= √0·414 = 3.217 MHzafter cascading f2* = f2 = 3·33 √21/n - 1 √1·414 – 1
= 5.17 MHz
n = 2 (for two cascaded stage) upper cut-off after cascading the two stages
= 5.17 – 3.217
= 1.905 MHz ≈ 2 MHz
- In regard to class A single ended transformer coupled amplifier the following statements are made:
1. The d.c. current flowing through primary causes considerable dissipation of power.
2. The output a.c. power obtained is the same as in the series fed directly coupled load for a given transistor dissipation capability.
3. In the presence of a signal, the transistor dissipation is less than in the case of direct coupled load.
4. The drain on the power supply is ideally one-half of what it is in direct coupled amplifier.
Of these four statements, the true ones are:
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Correct Option: D
- Single stage transformer coupled class A amplifier is delivering the a.c. power to the load of 1.25 watts. The d.c. power from the d.c. supply is:
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Correct Option: B
- Single stage transformer coupled class A power amplifier uses a transistor with maximum dissipation capability of 2.5 watts. The maximum a.c. power in the load is:
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In class A transformer coupled
η = 0·5 = Po(ac) Pi(dc)
Po(ac) → maximum ac power in the load
Pi(dc) → maximum applied dc power to the amplifier
given that PD (max) = 2.50.5 = Po(ac) PD(max) + Po(ac) 0.5 = Po(ac) 2.5 + Po(ac)
1.25 + 0.5 Po (ac) = Po (ac)
0.5 Po (ac) = 1.25or Po (ac) = 1·25 = 2.5 watts. ·5 Correct Option: B
In class A transformer coupled
η = 0·5 = Po(ac) Pi(dc)
Po(ac) → maximum ac power in the load
Pi(dc) → maximum applied dc power to the amplifier
given that PD (max) = 2.50.5 = Po(ac) PD(max) + Po(ac) 0.5 = Po(ac) 2.5 + Po(ac)
1.25 + 0.5 Po (ac) = Po (ac)
0.5 Po (ac) = 1.25or Po (ac) = 1·25 = 2.5 watts. ·5