Logical Venn Diagram

  1. Choose from the four diagrams given below, the one that illustrates the relationship among languages, English and Hindi.

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    On the basis of above given question , we know that
    English and Hindi are two different languages.

    Correct Option: C

    On the basis of above given question , we know that
    English and Hindi are two different languages.
    From above it is clear that option ( C ) represents the best relationship between languages, English and Hindi.
    . As shown in given venn - diagram .

  1. Which figure represents the relation among animals, vegetables and potatoes?

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    According to above given question , we can say that
    Potato comes under the class vegetable.
    But animal is different from them.

    Correct Option: C

    According to above given question , we can say that
    Potato comes under the class vegetable.
    But animal is different from them.
    It is clear that option ( A ) represents the best relationship between animals, vegetables and potatoes . As shown in given venn - diagram .

  1. Which of the following diagram represents men, women and pregnant women?

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    According to above given question , we know that
    Men are different from women.

    Correct Option: C

    According to above given question , we know that
    Men are different from women.
    Hence , option ( C ) gives the best relationship between men, women and pregnant women .

  1. Which one of the following diagrams represents the correct relationship among day, week, year?

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    We can say that
    Both Day and week belong to year . Year represents the biggest circle ,Day represents the smallest circle , and week represents the middle circle .As shown in figure .

    Correct Option: A

    As we know that
    Both Day and week belong to year .Year represents the biggest circle ,Day represents the smallest circle , and week represents the middle circle .As shown in figure .
    From above it is clear that required answer is option ( A ) .

  1. In the given diagram, circle represents professionals, square represents dancers, triangle represents musicians and rectangle represents Europeans. Different regions in the diagram are numbered 1 to 11. Who among the following is neither a dancer nor a musician but is professional and not a European?

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    As per the given above diagram , we get
    The required region should be present only in circle. Such region is marked ‘10’.

    Correct Option: C

    As per the given above diagram , we get
    The required region should be present only in circle. Such region is marked ‘10’.
    From above it is clear that option ( C ) is required answer.