Logical Venn Diagram

  1. Which diagram correctly represents the relationship between Human beings, Teachers, Graduates?

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    As per the above given question , we can say that
    Some teachers may be graduates and vice-versa. All teachers and all graduates are human beings.

    Correct Option: A

    As per the above given question , we can say that
    Some teachers may be graduates and vice-versa. All teachers and all graduates are human beings.
    From above it is clear that option ( A ) gives the best relationship betweenHuman beings, Teachers and Graduates .As shown in given venn - diagram .

  1. Choose from the given four diagrams 1, 2, 3, 4, the one that best illustrates the relationship among three classes.
    Minutes, Days, Months.

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    As we now that ,
    Minutes together constitute Days and Days together, in turn, constitute Months.

    Correct Option: A

    As we now that ,
    Minutes together constitute Days and Days together, in turn, constitute Months.
    From above it is clear that option ( A ) represents the best relationship between Minutes, Days and Months.

  1. Which one of the following represents Females, Mothers and Doctors?

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    According to above given question , we know that
    All mothers are females. Some females may be doctors.

    Correct Option: C

    According to above given question , we know that
    All mothers are females. Some females may be doctors.
    Hence , option ( C ) represents the best relationship between Females, Mothers and Doctors .

  1. Which of the following represents Cabbage, Vegetables and Beans?

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    From the above given question , it is clear that
    Cabbage is different from beans but both are included in the class “vegetables”.

    Correct Option: B

    From the above given question , it is clear that
    Cabbage is different from beans but both are included in the class “vegetables”.
    Hence , option ( B ) represents the best relationship between Cabbage, Vegetables and Beans .

  1. Which of the following figures represents State, Country, City?

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    As we know that ,
    Some Countries may be states.
    All cities are state but Some countries may be city.

    Correct Option: C

    As we know that ,
    Some Countries may be states.
    All cities are state but Some countries may be city.
    From above it is clear that option ( C ) represents the best relationship between State, Country and City . As shown in given venn - diagram .