Logical Venn Diagram

  1. Which one of the following diagrams best depicts the relationship among Fishes, Snakes and Birds?

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    From above given question , we know that
    Fishes, Snakes and Birds , all are different from one another.

    Correct Option: D

    From above given question , we know that
    Fishes, Snakes and Birds , all are different from one another.
    From above it is clear that option ( D ) represents the best relationship between Fishes, Snakes and Birds . As shown in given venn - diagram .

  1. Which of the following figures represents the relationship between Building material, Cement and Wood?

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    According to above given question, we can say that
    Cement is different from wood.
    But both are building materials.

    Correct Option: B

    According to above given question, we can say that
    Cement is different from wood.
    But both are building materials.
    From above it is clear that option ( B ) represents the best relationship between Building material, Cement and Wood . As shown in given venn - diagram .

  1. Which one of the following figures represents the relationship among Dog, Animal, Pets?

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    According to above given question ,we can say that
    Dogs come under the class animal.
    Some dogs are pets.
    Some other than animals are also pets.

    Correct Option: C

    According to above given question ,we can say that
    Dogs come under the class animal.
    Some dogs are pets.
    Some other than animals are also pets.
    Therefore, the correct diagram would be :

  1. Read the figure and find the region representing persons who are educated and employed but not confirmed.

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    From above given diagram , we can say that
    The letters b and d are present in both the circles.

    Correct Option: B

    From above given diagram , we can say that
    The letters b and d are present in both the circles.
    Therefore , option ( B ) is correct answer .

  1. Which diagram represents the relationship between Women, Mothers and Engineers?

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    From above given question , we can say that
    All mothers are women.
    Some women are mothers.
    Some mothers may be engineers.

    Correct Option: D

    From above given question , we can say that
    All mothers are women.
    Some women are mothers.
    Some mothers may be engineers.
    From above it is clear that option ( D ) represents the best relationship between Women, Mothers and Engineers. As shown in given venn - diagram .