Logical Venn Diagram

  1. Which of the following diagrams represents Colour , Cloth and Merchant?

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    From above the given question , it is clear that
    All the three are different from one another.

    Correct Option: A

    From above the given question , it is clear that
    All the three are different from one another.
    It is clear that option ( A ) represents the best relationship between Colour , Cloth and Merchant .

  1. Select from the given diagram the one that illustrates the relationship among the given 3 classes: children below 18, persons in the electoral list, those who have voted.

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    According to above given question , we can say that
    children below 18 are different from persons in the electoral list and those who have voted.

    Correct Option: A

    According to above given question , we can say that
    children below 18 are different from persons in the electoral list and those who have voted.
    From above it is clear that option ( A ) represents the best relationship between children below 18, persons in the electoral list and those who have voted . As shown in given venn - diagram .

  1. Which one of the following represents Lime, Cement and Brick?

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    As per the above given question , we can say that
    Lime, cement and Brick are three distinct items. Therefore, these can be shown by three disjoint circles.

    Correct Option: C

    As per the above given question , we can say that
    Lime, cement and Brick are three distinct items. Therefore, these can be shown by three disjoint circles.
    From above it is clear that option ( C ) represents the best relationship between Lime, Cement and Brick . As shown in given venn - diagram .

  1. Which of the following diagrams represents the relationship among Sun, Moon and Star?

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    As we know that
    Sun is a star.
    Moon is a satellite.

    Correct Option: D

    As we know that
    Sun is a star.
    Moon is a satellite.
    Star will be a big circle and Sun will be a small circle under Star.
    Moon is a satellite. So it will be a separate circle.
    It shows that Sun, Moon and Star represents the relationship in given figure.
    Therefore , required answer will be option ( D ) .

  1. In the following figure, how many educated people are employed?

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    As per the given above venn-diagram , we can say that
    Total number of educated people = 3 + 6 = 9

    Correct Option: D

    As per the given above venn-diagram , we can say that
    Total number of educated people = 3 + 6 = 9
    Hence , 9 educated people are employed .