Clock and calender

  1. If 27 March, 1995 was a Monday, then what day of the week was 1 November, 1994?

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    Here, 27th March 1995 was Monday. Now for calculating total number of odd days. First, we calculate total number of days till 1 Number 1994
    ∴ Number of days in March 1995 = 27
    Number of days in February 1995 = 28
    Number of days in January 1995 = 31
    Number of days in December 1994 = 31
    Number of days in November 1994 = 29/146
    ∴ Number of odd days = 146/7 = 206/7
    So, 6 odd days.

    Correct Option: C

    Here, 27th March 1995 was Monday. Now for calculating total number of odd days. First, we calculate total number of days till 1 Number 1994
    ∴ Number of days in March 1995 = 27
    Number of days in February 1995 = 28
    Number of days in January 1995 = 31
    Number of days in December 1994 = 31
    Number of days in November 1994 = 29/146
    ∴ Number of odd days = 146/7 = 206/7
    So, 6 odd days.
    ∴ On November 1, 1994 = Monday - 6
    = Tuesday

  1. The year next to 1990 will have the same calender as that of the year 1990.

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    The year 1990 has 356 days, i.e., 1 odd day, year 1991 has 356 days, v 1 odd day, year 1992 has 366 days, i.e., 2 odd days. Likewise year 1993, 1994, 1995 have 1 odd days, so calculated from years 1990-95 = (1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1)
    = 7 odd days
    = 0 odd day

    Correct Option: C

    The year 1990 has 356 days, i.e., 1 odd day, year 1991 has 356 days, v 1 odd day, year 1992 has 366 days, i.e., 2 odd days. Likewise year 1993, 1994, 1995 have 1 odd days, so calculated from years 1990-95 = (1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1)
    = 7 odd days
    = 0 odd day
    Hence, the year 1996 will have the same calendar as that of the year 1990.

  1. What was the day the 2nd July, 1984?

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    2nd July, 1984 means (1983 years 6 months and 2 days) 1900 years have 1 odd day 83 years have 20 leap years and 63 ordinary years
    = (40 + 63) odd days
    = 103
    = 5 odd days
    6 months and 2 days
    Jan 31
    Feb 29
    Mar 31
    Apr 30
    May 31
    June 30
    July 02
    = 184 days = 2 odd days
    Total number of days = (1 + 5 + 2)
    = 8 odd days
    = 1 odd day
    Hence, it was Monday on 2nd July,1984.

    Correct Option: C

    2nd July, 1984 means (1983 years 6 months and 2 days) 1900 years have 1 odd day 83 years have 20 leap years and 63 ordinary years
    = (40 + 63) odd days
    = 103
    = 5 odd days
    6 months and 2 days
    Jan 31
    Feb 29
    Mar 31
    Apr 30
    May 31
    June 30
    July 02
    = 184 days = 2 odd days
    Total number of days = (1 + 5 + 2)
    = 8 odd days
    = 1 odd day
    Hence, it was Monday on 2nd July,1984.

  1. If 8th February, 2005 was a Tuesday, what was the day the 8th February,2004?

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    The year 2004 is a leap year. It has 2 odd days.
    The day on 8th February, 2004 is 2 days before the day on 8th February, 2005.

    Correct Option: C

    The year 2004 is a leap year. It has 2 odd days. The day on 8th February, 2004 is 2 days before the day on 8th February, 2005.
    Hence, this day is Sunday

  1. The Republic day of India was celebrated on Friday in year 2008. On which day, it will be celebrated in 2012?

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    26th January (Republic day) 2008
    → Friday
    Clary, it will be on Wednesday in 2012.

    Correct Option: B

    26th January (Republic day) 2008
    → Friday
    Clary, it will be on Wednesday in 2012.