Classification is defined as to assort the different items of a given group on the basis of certain common quality they possess and spot the odd man out.
This chapter classification covers several different criteria which can be applied to classify the given items into a particular group. This classification can be based on some common properties which they possess like shape, number of sides, division of figures etc. Here, the objects which possess these common properties is to be eliminated from the group.
Examples of Classification:
Ex.1- Choose the figure which is different from the rest.

Solution:- Correct Answer (c)
The shaded region is present on the left bottom region, where as rest all has on top right region.
Ex.2- In following questions, select the one which is different from the other three responses.

Solution:- Correct Answer (2)
Except in figure (2), in all others the design has been divided vertically.
Ex.3- In the following questions find the odd figures from the given responses.

Solution:- Correct Answer (1)
Except in figure (1), in all others the circle has been divided into four equal parts.