Moving Charges and Magnetism

Moving Charges and Magnetism

  1. A milli voltmeter of 25 milli volt range is to be converted into an ammeter of 25 ampere range. The value (in ohm) of necessary shunt will be :

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    ​Galvanometer is converted into ammeter, by connected a shunt, in parallel with it. ​ ​ ​

    25 × 10-3
    G + SI25

    = 0.001 Ω
    G + S

    ​Here S << G so
    ​S = 0.001 Ω

    Correct Option: A

    ​Galvanometer is converted into ammeter, by connected a shunt, in parallel with it. ​ ​ ​

    25 × 10-3
    G + SI25

    = 0.001 Ω
    G + S

    ​Here S << G so
    ​S = 0.001 Ω

  1. A closely wound solenoid of 2000 turns and area of cross-section 1.5 × 10–4 m² carries a current of 2.0 A. It suspended through its centre and perpendicular to its length, allowing it to turn in a horizontal plane in a uniform magnetic field 5 × 10–2 tesla making an angle of 30° with the axis of the solenoid. The torque on the solenoid will be:

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    Torque on the solenoid is given by τ ​= MB sin θ ​
    where θ is the angle between the magnetic field and the axis of solenoid. ​
    M = niA ​ 
    ∴ τ = niA B sin 30° ​ ​
    = 2000 × 2 × 1.5 × 10-4 × 5 × 10-2 × 1/2
    = 1.5 × 10-2 N - m

    Correct Option: D

    Torque on the solenoid is given by τ ​= MB sin θ ​
    where θ is the angle between the magnetic field and the axis of solenoid. ​
    M = niA ​ 
    ∴ τ = niA B sin 30° ​ ​
    = 2000 × 2 × 1.5 × 10-4 × 5 × 10-2 × 1/2
    = 1.5 × 10-2 N - m

  1. ​ ​A closed loop PQRS carrying a current is placed in a uniform magnetic field. If the magnetic forces on segments PS, SR, and RQ are F1 , F2 and F3 respectively  and are in the plane of the paper and along the directions shown, the force on the segment QP is

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    According to the figure the magnitude of force on the segment QM is F3 – F1 and PM is F2. ​

    Therefore, the magnitude of the force on ​segment PQ is √(F3 - F1)² + F2²

    Correct Option: B

    According to the figure the magnitude of force on the segment QM is F3 – F1 and PM is F2. ​

    Therefore, the magnitude of the force on ​segment PQ is √(F3 - F1)² + F2²

  1. When a charged particle moving with velocity v is subjected to a magnetic field of induction B, the force on it is non-zero. This implies that​​

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    ​Force on a particle moving with velocity v in a magnetic field  B is F = q(v × B)
    ​If angle between v & B is either zero or 180º, then value of F will be zero as cross product of v and B will be zero. ​
    So option (b) is correct.

    Correct Option: B

    ​Force on a particle moving with velocity v in a magnetic field  B is F = q(v × B)
    ​If angle between v & B is either zero or 180º, then value of F will be zero as cross product of v and B will be zero. ​
    So option (b) is correct.

  1. A very long straight wire carries a current I. At the instant when a charge + Q at point P has velocity c , as shown, the force on the charge is​​

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    The direction of B is along (-̂k)
    ​∴ The magnetic  force ​ ​
    F = Q(v × B) = Q(v̂i) × B(-̂k) = QvB̂j
    F is along OY.

    Correct Option: A

    The direction of B is along (-̂k)
    ​∴ The magnetic  force ​ ​
    F = Q(v × B) = Q(v̂i) × B(-̂k) = QvB̂j
    F is along OY.