World geography miscellaneous
- The polar regions are sparsely populated because of
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The population density is low in polar regions because the climate is too cold and harsh for people to survive there. The polar regions such as the Arctic and Antarctica are the coldest places on the earth with little or no vegetation to support the resident population. Most of the polar regions are cold deserts.
Correct Option: B
The population density is low in polar regions because the climate is too cold and harsh for people to survive there. The polar regions such as the Arctic and Antarctica are the coldest places on the earth with little or no vegetation to support the resident population. Most of the polar regions are cold deserts.
- What do you mean by ‘Density of Population’?
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For humans, population density is the number of people per unit of area, usually quoted per square kilometer or square mile. The world’s population is around 7,000,000,000 and Earth’s total area is 510,000,000 square kilometers (197,000,000 sq. mi.). Therefore, the worldwide human population density is around 7,000,000,000 ÷ 510,000,000 = 13.7 per km2 (35 per sq. mi).
Correct Option: B
For humans, population density is the number of people per unit of area, usually quoted per square kilometer or square mile. The world’s population is around 7,000,000,000 and Earth’s total area is 510,000,000 square kilometers (197,000,000 sq. mi.). Therefore, the worldwide human population density is around 7,000,000,000 ÷ 510,000,000 = 13.7 per km2 (35 per sq. mi).
- Yellow complexion, Medium stature, Oblique eye with an epicanthic fold are the characterstic features of:
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As per Sir Herbert Risley’s classification of Indian races, the Mongoloids are of short stature, yellow in complexion, have medium broad nose, flat face, and oblique eyes with an epicanthic fold. Their representatives are the Kinnets of Lahul-Spiti and Kullu, the Lepchas, and Bhutias of Sikkim, and the Tharus of the Tarai region of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
Correct Option: A
As per Sir Herbert Risley’s classification of Indian races, the Mongoloids are of short stature, yellow in complexion, have medium broad nose, flat face, and oblique eyes with an epicanthic fold. Their representatives are the Kinnets of Lahul-Spiti and Kullu, the Lepchas, and Bhutias of Sikkim, and the Tharus of the Tarai region of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
- Which one of the following tribes practices pastoral nomadism?
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Pygmies are nomadic hunter-gatherers who live in the equatorial rainforests of central Africa as well as parts of southeast Asia. They are nomadic, and obtain their food through a mix of foraging, hunting, fishing, and trading with inhabitants of neighboring villages. Their cultural identity is very closely tied to the rainforest, as are their spiritual and religious views.
Correct Option: C
Pygmies are nomadic hunter-gatherers who live in the equatorial rainforests of central Africa as well as parts of southeast Asia. They are nomadic, and obtain their food through a mix of foraging, hunting, fishing, and trading with inhabitants of neighboring villages. Their cultural identity is very closely tied to the rainforest, as are their spiritual and religious views.
- Kimono is a dress style of which Asian Country?
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The kimono is a Japanese traditional garment that is most often worn by women, and on special occasions. It is in form of full-length robes that is always used in important festival or formal moments. It is the representative of polite and very formal clothing.
Correct Option: A
The kimono is a Japanese traditional garment that is most often worn by women, and on special occasions. It is in form of full-length robes that is always used in important festival or formal moments. It is the representative of polite and very formal clothing.