Idioms and Phrases

Direction: In the following questions four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.

  1. The present manner of delimitation has been done in a gerrymandering way.

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    Gerrymander (Verb) : to change the size and borders of an area for voting in order to give an unfair advantage to one party in an election
    ● The city had been gerry mandered so that the party might retain the control. The best option is in a manipulative and unfair way.

    Correct Option: C

    Gerrymander (Verb) : to change the size and borders of an area for voting in order to give an unfair advantage to one party in an election
    ● The city had been gerry mandered so that the party might retain the control. The best option is in a manipulative and unfair way.

  1. Her father strained every nerve to enable her to get settled in life.

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    strain every nerve : to try as hard as you can to do something
    ● He strained every nerve to snatch victory from defeat. The best option is worked very hard

    Correct Option: A

    strain every nerve : to try as hard as you can to do something
    ● He strained every nerve to snatch victory from defeat. The best option is worked very hard

  1. There are no hard and fast rules that cannot be relaxed on such an occasion.

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    hard and fast : that cannot be changed in any circumstances
    ● This situation isn’t hard and fast. The best option is that cannot be altered

    Correct Option: D

    hard and fast : that cannot be changed in any circumstances
    ● This situation isn’t hard and fast. The best option is that cannot be altered

  1. He turned up his nose at my offer.

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    turn up one’s nose : to regard something with scorn/ contempt
    ● They turned their noses up at the only hotel that was available. The best option is treated my offer with contempt

    Correct Option: C

    turn up one’s nose : to regard something with scorn/ contempt
    ● They turned their noses up at the only hotel that was available. The best option is treated my offer with contempt

  1. When Ramu lost the money, he was down in the dumps.

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    down in the dumps : feeling unhappy
    ● He’d been down in the dumps since there was a theft at his place. The best option is sad and depressed

    Correct Option: C

    down in the dumps : feeling unhappy
    ● He’d been down in the dumps since there was a theft at his place. The best option is sad and depressed