Idioms and Phrases

Direction: In these questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase given in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase given in bold.

  1. It is evident from the minister’s statement that heads will roll in the Secretariat.

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    heads will roll : will be punished because of something that has happened
    ● When the company’s year-end results are known, heads will roll. The best option is dismissals will occur.

    Correct Option: D

    heads will roll : will be punished because of something that has happened
    ● When the company’s year-end results are known, heads will roll. The best option is dismissals will occur.

  1. During the last moments of his life, the criminal made a clean breast of everything he had done.

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    made a clean breast of : to tell the truth about something so that you may no longer feel guilty
    ● You’ll feel better if you make a clean breast of the incident. The best option is confessed without reserve.

    Correct Option: C

    made a clean breast of : to tell the truth about something so that you may no longer feel guilty
    ● You’ll feel better if you make a clean breast of the incident. The best option is confessed without reserve.

  1. She tries very hard to keep up with her rich neighbours.

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    to keep up : to continue to be in contact with somebody
    ● He couldn’t keep up with his friends who went into business. The best option is to keep in touch.

    Correct Option: B

    to keep up : to continue to be in contact with somebody
    ● He couldn’t keep up with his friends who went into business. The best option is to keep in touch.

Direction: In the following questions four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.

  1. Reading between the lines I realised that my friend wanted to keep something from me.

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    reading between the lines : looking for or discovering a meaning
    ● Reading between the lines of the letter, she realised that her friend was in great trouble. The best option is looking for meanings that are not actually expressed.

    Correct Option: A

    reading between the lines : looking for or discovering a meaning
    ● Reading between the lines of the letter, she realised that her friend was in great trouble. The best option is looking for meanings that are not actually expressed.

  1. The saint’s life was an open book.

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    an open book : can easily understand and know everything about somebody
    ● Your health secrets will be an open book to anyone who can do an online search. The best option is one that held no secrets.

    Correct Option: B

    an open book : can easily understand and know everything about somebody
    ● Your health secrets will be an open book to anyone who can do an online search. The best option is one that held no secrets.