Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow each passage. Your answer to these questions should be based on the passage only.
Every successful man fails at some time. Failure tells you about your weaknesses, shortcomings, lack of preparations, lack of efforts. So if you can manage to learn from it contributes to lasting success. Extract the lesson to learn from failure and try again with redoubled vigor. Facing failure makes one strong, more wise and more resolute, spurs them on to greatest efforts. There is not failure in truth, save from within; unless we are beaten there, We are bound to succeed. Failures not only tell us that we couldn't prepare ourselves up to the level of success and with more hard work. Failures are the stepping stones of success. Every successful man has failed, not once but several times, in their life, but they analyzed the things in real perspective and tried again with more vigor and zeal and achieved success.
- What does failure teach, besides letting us know our shortcomings?
1. We couldn't prepare ourselves up to the level of success
2. It tells us that we still need to learn
3. We learn from mistakes
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
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Failure teaches a lot but basically we learn that we still need to learn. Because we could not prepare up to the level of success.
Correct Option: A
Failure teaches a lot but basically we learn that we still need to learn. Because we could not prepare up to the level of success.