Closet Test
Direction: In the following questions in the passage some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each question out of the four alternatives and fill in the blanks.
If you (861) to be free from all physical aches and pains and enjoy perfect physical harmony, then put your mind in order and (862) your thoughts. Think joyful thoughts, think loving thoughts; Let the (863) of goodwill (864) through your veins, and you will need no other medicine. (865) your jealousies, your suspicions, your worries, your hatred, your selfish indulgences, and you will put away your indigestion, your sickness, your (866) and (867). If you will (868) clinging to these (869) and demoralizing habits of minds, then do not complain when your body is (870) sickness.
- NA
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Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.
want (V.)Correct Option: C
Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.
want (V.)
Direction: Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each question out of the four alternatives and fill in the blanks.
How the domestication of animals began is not known. Perhaps, there were large number of animals in areas near water where men also were (i). Here man could observe the animals and study their habits, and this knowledge must have, (ii) him to tame them. It was again, easy for (iii) people to domesticate animals and feed them on the husks of the grain that were left after threshing. In any event, sheep and goats, pigs and cattle and later horses and asses were tamed and kept in pens. Man, thus, (iv) food from the soil and also from animals. In the pens, the animals could be observed even more closely. Calves suckling milk must have given man the idea that he too could get food other than meat from cows and goats. This practice which combines agriculture with the raising of animals is known as (v) farming. Animals, however, were chiefly used to provide meat and milk, they were yet to be used as beasts of burden or to draw the plough.
- (iv) = ?
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Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.
obtained (V.)Correct Option: B
Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.
obtained (V.)
- (ii) = ?
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Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.
enabled (V.)Correct Option: B
Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.
enabled (V.)
- (iii) = ?
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Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.
agricultural (Adj.)Correct Option: D
Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.
agricultural (Adj.)
Direction: In the following passage, there are blanks each of which has been numbered. Against each, four words are suggested. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
In a survey (i) by a library, it was recently (ii) that parents wish their children to read books with high moral (iii). Around two thousand parents were interviewed and most of them (iv) Dickens ‘The Christmas Carol’ is a must-read for children. This Christmas tale (v) the filthy rich, (vi) Scrooge and the poor contented Cratchit family offers lessons in moral duties. Another book which many parents marked out as a (vii) read was Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’. The choice of this book was rather (viii), because, this romantic novel is more likely to (ix) teenagers, than children. Since Elizabeth’s final choice of Darcy is deeply rooted in strong moral (x), the parents, probably thought, she offers a good example for the girl child to follow.
- (vi) = ?
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Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.
stingyCorrect Option: C
Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.