Change of Speech

Direction: In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect /Direct.

  1. The headmaster said to the student, “You are expelled for attempting to copy in the examination.”

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    Correct Option: D

  1. “Saint George, strike for us!’’ exclaimed the Knight.

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    Correct Option: C

  1. Mr. Pradhan said, ‘I shall go to Delhi tomorrow.’

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    Correct Option: B

  1. Mike said, “Don’t fly via Paris.”

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    [In Imperative, Indirect Speech, don’t changes into not to]

    Correct Option: D

    [In Imperative, Indirect Speech, don’t changes into not to]

  1. The minister announced that a new employment scheme would be implemented from the following month.

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    Correct Option: D