Change of Speech

Direction: In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Direct/Indirect.

  1. I said to him, “Do you definitely need the suit following week? ”

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    I asked him if he definitely needed the suit the following week. (I.S.)

    Correct Option: B

    I asked him if he definitely needed the suit the following week. (I.S.)

  1. Meera’s mother told her not to forget to buy the milk.

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    Meera’s mother reminded her, “Don’t forget to buy the milk.” (D.S.)

    Correct Option: C

    Meera’s mother reminded her, “Don’t forget to buy the milk.” (D.S.)

  1. Kumar says, “It doesn’t rain in January.”

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    Kumar says that it doesn’t rain in January. (I.S.)
    Reporting Verb is in Present Tense. Hence, Tense of Reported Speech will not change.

    Correct Option: A

    Kumar says that it doesn’t rain in January. (I.S.)
    Reporting Verb is in Present Tense. Hence, Tense of Reported Speech will not change.

  1. The men said, “We are going to fly kites.”

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    The men said that they were going to fly kites. (I.S.)

    Correct Option: D

    The men said that they were going to fly kites. (I.S.)

  1. The teacher said to the students, “March quietly to the ground.”

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    The teacher instructed the students to march quietly to the ground. (I.S.)

    Correct Option: D

    The teacher instructed the students to march quietly to the ground. (I.S.)