
Direction: Which one of the answer figures shall complete the given analogy?

  1. Find the question mark ? figure from answer figure.

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    From first figure to second figure the main design is rotated through 180° while the small circle shifts to opposite side.

    Correct Option: C

    From first figure to second figure the main design is rotated through 180° while the small circle shifts to opposite side.

  1. Identify the two figures which are similar in all respects.

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    Figures (3) and (5) are similar in all respects.

    Correct Option: C

    Figures (3) and (5) are similar in all respects.

  1. Four pairs of flower pots are given below. Among them only one pair is similar in all respects. Identify the pair numbers which represent that pair.

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    Figures (5) and 8 are similar.

    Correct Option: C

    Figures (5) and 8 are similar.

Direction: Select the related figure from the answer figures.

  1. Find the question mark ? figure from answer figure.

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    From first figure to second figure the horizontal line rotates 45° clockwise.

    Correct Option: D

    From first figure to second figure the horizontal line rotates 45° clockwise.

Direction: Each of the following questions consists of two sets of figures. Figures (a), (b), (c) and (d) constitute the Question Set while figures (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) constitute the Answer Set. There is a definite relationship between figures (a) and (b). Figure (a) and (b) are related in a particular way or manner. Establish the same relationship between (c) and (d).

  1. Select a suitable figure from the answer figures that would replace the question mark (?) from question figure.

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    The complete figure rotates through 180 degree and the last element on the right side rotates 90 degree.

    Correct Option: A

    The complete figure rotates through 180 degree and the last element on the right side rotates 90 degree.