- When was the Kisan Credit Card schemes for the farmers started in India?
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A Kisan Credit Card is a credit card to provide affordable credit for farmers. It was started by the Reserve Bank of India(RBI), and National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) in 1998-99 to help farmers access timely and adequate credit.
Correct Option: B
A Kisan Credit Card is a credit card to provide affordable credit for farmers. It was started by the Reserve Bank of India(RBI), and National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) in 1998-99 to help farmers access timely and adequate credit.
- The importance of agriculture in Indian Economy is indicated by its contribution to which of the following?
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The importance of agriculture in Indian Economy is indicated by its contribution to national income, industrial development and supply of foodgrains. It contributes around 13.7% to GDP, supplies raw material for development of industries along with supplying food grains for livelihood.
Correct Option: D
The importance of agriculture in Indian Economy is indicated by its contribution to national income, industrial development and supply of foodgrains. It contributes around 13.7% to GDP, supplies raw material for development of industries along with supplying food grains for livelihood.
- The Green Revolution in India has contributed to
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The Green Revolution in India has contributed to inter-regional, inter-class and inter-crop inequality as certain regions like UP and Punjab which used HYVs much better than others have become more advanced than others. Similarly certain classes which were rich like big landlords could purchase HYV and thus have grown more rich. Similarly certain crops like wheat have done better than others creating inequality.
Correct Option: D
The Green Revolution in India has contributed to inter-regional, inter-class and inter-crop inequality as certain regions like UP and Punjab which used HYVs much better than others have become more advanced than others. Similarly certain classes which were rich like big landlords could purchase HYV and thus have grown more rich. Similarly certain crops like wheat have done better than others creating inequality.
- The percentage of the agricultural land is very high in all the following except-
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The percentage of the agricultural land is very high in all the given states except Sikkim. Approximately it is Haryana 4402000 (hectares), Punjab (5033000 Hectares) UP (29767000 Hectares) and Sikkim 710000 Hectares.
Correct Option: D
The percentage of the agricultural land is very high in all the given states except Sikkim. Approximately it is Haryana 4402000 (hectares), Punjab (5033000 Hectares) UP (29767000 Hectares) and Sikkim 710000 Hectares.
- In which five year plan in Indian Economy, the targets for the crop function were not fixed for the first time-
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Tenth five year plan
Correct Option: D
Tenth five year plan