- Which is not a source of agriculture finance in India?
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Co-operative societies, Commercial Bank sand Regional Rural Bank are source of agriculture finance in India. They provide finance under various schemes run by central government and state governments to purchase seeds, implements, fertilizer, pesticides etc.
Correct Option: D
Co-operative societies, Commercial Bank sand Regional Rural Bank are source of agriculture finance in India. They provide finance under various schemes run by central government and state governments to purchase seeds, implements, fertilizer, pesticides etc.
- Agriculture sector directly employs one of the following percentage of labour force in India
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Agriculture, diary, horticulture and related occupations alone employ 52 percent of labour in India.
Correct Option: D
Agriculture, diary, horticulture and related occupations alone employ 52 percent of labour in India.
- Which one of the following methods of soil conservation is most effective in arid areas?
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The shelter belt method of soil conservation is most effective in arid areas. A shelterbelt is a barrier of trees or shrubs. The term "field shelterbelt" is used to distinguish between rows of trees or shrubs on agricultural fields from those planted in other ways: around farmyards or livestock facilities (farmstead shelterbelts). It controls soil erosion and traps the moisture which is necessary to grow crop in such regions.
Correct Option: B
The shelter belt method of soil conservation is most effective in arid areas. A shelterbelt is a barrier of trees or shrubs. The term "field shelterbelt" is used to distinguish between rows of trees or shrubs on agricultural fields from those planted in other ways: around farmyards or livestock facilities (farmstead shelterbelts). It controls soil erosion and traps the moisture which is necessary to grow crop in such regions.
- Indian agriculture is typically characterised as
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Indian agriculture is typically characterised as land scare, labour surplus economy. India has high man/land ratio. There is a large number of unskilled labour but there is absence of land or capital.
Correct Option: C
Indian agriculture is typically characterised as land scare, labour surplus economy. India has high man/land ratio. There is a large number of unskilled labour but there is absence of land or capital.
- Which of the following is the chief characteristic of 'mixed farming'?
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Rearing of animals and cultivation together is the chief characteristic of mixed farming.
Correct Option: C
Rearing of animals and cultivation together is the chief characteristic of mixed farming.