
  1. Which one of the following states is the first state to impose Agriculture Income Tax in India?

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    Bihar is the first state to impose agricultural income tax in India. Agricultural income tax is levied on the income from Agriculture. At present agricultural is subjected to two direct taxes and they are Agricultural Income tax and Land Tax. They are levied by the state governments. Bihar was the first state in India to levy a tax on agricultural income in 1938.

    Correct Option: D

    Bihar is the first state to impose agricultural income tax in India. Agricultural income tax is levied on the income from Agriculture. At present agricultural is subjected to two direct taxes and they are Agricultural Income tax and Land Tax. They are levied by the state governments. Bihar was the first state in India to levy a tax on agricultural income in 1938.

  1. Who is known as the father of " White Revolution" in India?

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    Dr. V. Kurien is known as the father of 'White Revolution' in India. Verghese Kurien was a renowned Indian social entrepreneur and is best known as the "Father of the White Revolution", for his 'billion-litre idea' (Operation Flood) - the world's biggest agricultural development programme. The operation took India from being a milk-deficient nation, to the largest milk producer in the world. He was also the founder of AMUL.

    Correct Option: D

    Dr. V. Kurien is known as the father of 'White Revolution' in India. Verghese Kurien was a renowned Indian social entrepreneur and is best known as the "Father of the White Revolution", for his 'billion-litre idea' (Operation Flood) - the world's biggest agricultural development programme. The operation took India from being a milk-deficient nation, to the largest milk producer in the world. He was also the founder of AMUL.

  1. Which one of the following agencies of Indian Government implement the price support scheme (PSS)?

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    In Order to help the farmers in getting remunerative prices for their produce with a view to encourage higher investment and as also to increase production and productivity of a commodity, the government declares Minimum Support Price (MSPs) for 25 notified agricultural commodities for each Kharif & Rabi crop season. National Agricultural cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd (NAFED) is one of the Central Nodal Agencies which implements PSS.

    Correct Option: B

    In Order to help the farmers in getting remunerative prices for their produce with a view to encourage higher investment and as also to increase production and productivity of a commodity, the government declares Minimum Support Price (MSPs) for 25 notified agricultural commodities for each Kharif & Rabi crop season. National Agricultural cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd (NAFED) is one of the Central Nodal Agencies which implements PSS.

  1. Which one of the following agencies assigns the Agricultural Income Tax to states in India?

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    Agricultural income tax to states in India is assigned by the Constitution of India. The agency responsible for it is Finance Commission whose function is distribution of net proceeds of taxes between Centre and the States, to be divided as per their respective contributions to the taxes.

    Correct Option: D

    Agricultural income tax to states in India is assigned by the Constitution of India. The agency responsible for it is Finance Commission whose function is distribution of net proceeds of taxes between Centre and the States, to be divided as per their respective contributions to the taxes.

  1. The price at which the Government purchase foodgrains for maintaining the public distribution system and for building up buffer stocks are known as

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    The price at which the Government purchases foodgrains for maintaining the public distribution system and for building up buffer stocks are known as procurement prices.

    Correct Option: B

    The price at which the Government purchases foodgrains for maintaining the public distribution system and for building up buffer stocks are known as procurement prices.