
  1. National Agriculture Insurance Scheme replacing comprehensive crop Insurance scheme was introduced in the year.

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    In the year 1999, the National Agriculture Insurance Scheme was introduced by replacing comprehensive crop Insurance Scheme. NAIS covers all food crops (cereals and pulses), oilseeds, horticultural and commercial crops. It covers all farmers, both loanees and non-loanees, under the scheme.

    Correct Option: C

    In the year 1999, the National Agriculture Insurance Scheme was introduced by replacing comprehensive crop Insurance Scheme. NAIS covers all food crops (cereals and pulses), oilseeds, horticultural and commercial crops. It covers all farmers, both loanees and non-loanees, under the scheme.

  1. In which of the following years was the Food Corporation of India (FCI) set up?

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    The Food Corporation of India (FCI) was set up in 1965. Its objectives are effective price support operations for safeguarding the interests of the farmers. Distribution of food grains throughout the country for public distribution system and maintaining satisfactory level of operational and buffer stocks of foodgrains to ensure National Food Security.

    Correct Option: C

    The Food Corporation of India (FCI) was set up in 1965. Its objectives are effective price support operations for safeguarding the interests of the farmers. Distribution of food grains throughout the country for public distribution system and maintaining satisfactory level of operational and buffer stocks of foodgrains to ensure National Food Security.

  1. The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act was legisted in

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    The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976 was enacted to provide for the abolition of bonded labour system with a view to prevent the economic and physical exploitation of the weaker sections of the society. It freed all the bonded labourers from bondage with simultaneous liquidation of their debts. It made the practice of bondage a cognisable offence punishable by law. The Act is being administered and implemented by the Ministry of Labour and the State governments concerned.

    Correct Option: B

    The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976 was enacted to provide for the abolition of bonded labour system with a view to prevent the economic and physical exploitation of the weaker sections of the society. It freed all the bonded labourers from bondage with simultaneous liquidation of their debts. It made the practice of bondage a cognisable offence punishable by law. The Act is being administered and implemented by the Ministry of Labour and the State governments concerned.

  1. First Agricultural University in India was established in

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    G. B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology (GBPUA&T, Pant Nagar Uttara Khand) is the first agricultural university of India. It was inaugurated by Jawahar Lal Neharu on 17 November 1960.

    Correct Option: D

    G. B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology (GBPUA&T, Pant Nagar Uttara Khand) is the first agricultural university of India. It was inaugurated by Jawahar Lal Neharu on 17 November 1960.

  1. Which of the following has not been a component of the agriculture strategy that brought about the Green Revolution?

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    Guaranteed maximum price have not been a component of the agriculture strategy that brought about the Green Revolution. The strategy aimed at increasing the yield of crops using fertilizer, pesticides and high yielding varities in agriculture.

    Correct Option: B

    Guaranteed maximum price have not been a component of the agriculture strategy that brought about the Green Revolution. The strategy aimed at increasing the yield of crops using fertilizer, pesticides and high yielding varities in agriculture.