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Signals and systems electrical engineering miscellaneous

  1. Let x(t) be a periodic signal with time period T. Let y(t) = x(t – t0) + x(t + t0) for some t0.
    The fourier Series coefficients of y(t) are denoted by b. If bk = 0 for all odd k, then t0 can be equal to
    1. T/8
    2. T/4
    3. T/2
    4. 2T
Correct Option: B

y(t)= x(t – t0) + x (t + t0)
Since y(t) is periodic with period T, then x(t – t0) and x(t + t0) will also be periodic with T
Now, bk = ake-jkω0t0 + akejkω0t0
Where, ak is fourier series coefficient of equal x(t),
bk = ak[e-jkω0t0 + ejkω0t0]
= 2ak cos kω0t0
Given that, bk = 0 for odd k
then, kω0t0 = k(π/2),
where k = 2m + 1, m is an integer

⇒ t0 =
ω0 =

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