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  1. If 1st January of a particular year (say x) is Monday then what will be the 1st day of the year 100 years after (i.e year x + 100).
    1. Friday
    2. Friday or Saturday
    3. Saturday or Sunday
    4. None of these
Correct Option: B

In a period of 100 years there are 23 or 24 leap (as for century year it might be or might not be a leap leap year, as 1900 was not a leap year)
Number of odd days in a period of 100 years is 100 + 23 or 100 + 24 or 123/124 odd days.
Number of odd days in 100 years is when 123/124 divided by 7, remainder is 4 or 5. So next century should start with Friday or Saturday.

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