Direction: In a local pet store, seven puppies wait to be introduced to their new owners. The puppies, named Ashlen, Blakely, Custard, Daffy, Earl, Fala and Gabino, are all kept in two available pens. pen 1 holds three puppies, and pen 2 holds four puppies.
If Gabino is kept in pen 1, then Daffy in not kept in pen 2
If Daffy is not kept in pen 2, then Gabino in kept in pen 1
If Ashlen is kept in pen 2, then Blakely in not kept in pen 2
If Blakely is kept in pen 1, then Ashlen in not kept in pen 1
If Earl and Fala are in different pens, then which of the following must NOT be true?
- Fala shares a pen with Custard.
- Gabino shares a pen with Ashlen.
- Earl is in higher-numbered pen then Blakely.
- Blakely shares pen 2 with Earl and Daffy.
- Custard is in higher-numbered pen then Fala.
- Fala shares a pen with Custard.
Correct Option: E
As per the given question ,
Case 1: When Earl is in pen 1 and Fala is in pen 2.
Also, there is one among Ashlen and Blakely in pen 1, this will mean Gabino and Daffy will have to be in Pen 2 and Custard will have to be in Pen 1.
Case 2: When Fala is in pen 1 and Earl is in pen 2.
The same situation arises and custard will have to be in pen 1.
So the last option which says Custard is in a higher-numbered pen than Fala is always incorrect.