Home » Verbal Reasoning » Statement and Argument » Question
  1. Statements:
    Should there be reservation of jobs in the organizations in the private sector also as in the public sector undertakings in India?
    I. Yes. This would give more opportunities of development to the weaker sections of the society and thus help reduce the gap between the affluent and the downtrodden in India.
    II. No. The private sector does not get any government assistance and therefore they should not be saddled with such policies.
    III. No. Nowhere else in the world such a practice is being followed.
    IV. No. the management of the private sector undertaking would not agree to such compulsions.
    1. Only I is strong
    2. Only I and II are strong
    3. Only I, II and IV are strong
    4. Only I and IV are strong
    5. All are strong
Correct Option: A

The reservation of jobs in the private sector too would surely increase opportunities for weaker sections improve their economic plight. Thus, argument I is strong enough. Also, private sector companies work on a good profit margin and they can and will have to accommodate such a policy if implemented. So, neither II nor IV holds strong. Further, just imitating other countries holds no relevance. So, argument III also does not hold.

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