Pie chart

Direction: The Pie graph given here shows the spending of a country on various sports during a year. Study the graph carefully to answer these questions.

  1. If the total amount spent during the year was $ 1,20,00,000 how much was spent on basketball?

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    The total amount spent during the year = $1,20,00,000
    % Expenditure on basketball = 12.5%
    Total spent on basketball = Expenditure on basketball x the total amount spent during the year

    Correct Option: D

    The total amount spent during the year = $1,20,00,000
    % Expenditure on basketball = 12.5%
    Total spent on basketball = Expenditure on basketball x The total amount spent during the year
    Total spent on basketball = 12.5% of $ 12000000

    Total spent on basketball =12.5 × 12000000 = $ 1500000

  1. The country spent the same amount of money on :

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    As per given graph, we can see that the % spending for following sports are same.
    Tennis = 10 % and Others = 10 %.
    Golf = 12.5 % and Basketball = 12.5 %
    Football = 15% and Hockey = 15 %

    Correct Option: B

    As per given graph, we can see that the % spending for following sports are same.
    Tennis = 10 % and Others = 10 %.
    Golf = 12.5 % and Basketball = 12.5 %
    Football = 15% and Hockey = 15 %
    The country spent the same amount of money on Golf and Basketball , which is 12.5% in each .
    So , Answer will be Golf and Basketball .

  1. If the total amount spent on sports during the year was $ 15000000, then the amount spent on Cricket and Hockey together was :

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    Given :-
    The total amount spent sports during the year = $15,000,000
    Percent expenditure on Cricket = 25%
    Percent expenditure on Hockey = 15%
    % Expenditure on Cricket and Hockey together = ( 25 + 15 )% = 40%
    Total amount spent on Cricket and Hockey together = Expenditure on Cricket and Hockey together x the total amount spent sports during the year

    Correct Option: A

    Given :-
    The total amount spent sports during the year = $15,000,000
    Percent expenditure on Cricket = 25%
    Percent expenditure on Hockey = 15%
    % Expenditure on Cricket and Hockey together = ( 25 + 15 )% = 40%
    Total amount spent on Cricket and Hockey together = Expenditure on Cricket and Hockey together x the total amount spent sports during the year
    Total amount spent on Cricket and Hockey together = 40% of $ 15000000

    Total amount spent on Cricket and Hockey together =40 × 15000000 = $ 6000000

Direction: The circle graph shows the spending by a family on various items during the year 1999. Study the graph and answer these questions.

  1. Graph shows that the maximum amount was spent on:

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    From above graph ,
    It is clear that the maximum amount was spent on Food , which is 23 % .

    Correct Option: A

    From above graph ,
    It is clear that the maximum amount was spent on Food , which is 23 % .

  1. If the total amount spent during the year 1999 was $ 46000, the amount spent on food was :

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    The amount spent on food = % of Money spend on food x Total amount spent during the year 1999

    Correct Option: B

    As per given graph,
    % of Money spend on Food = 23 %

    The amount spent on food = % of Money spend on food x Total amount spent during the year 1999

    The amount spent on food = 23 x 46000 = $ 10580