Animal Kingdom
- Which group of animals belong to the same phylum?
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Prawn, Scorpion and Locusta belong to phylum Arthropoda. This is the largest phylum of Animalia, over two-thirds of all named species on earth are Arthropoda. Phylum is named so due to presence of jointed appendages (arthros = jointed, poda = appendages) in body of members of this phylum.
Correct Option: B
Prawn, Scorpion and Locusta belong to phylum Arthropoda. This is the largest phylum of Animalia, over two-thirds of all named species on earth are Arthropoda. Phylum is named so due to presence of jointed appendages (arthros = jointed, poda = appendages) in body of members of this phylum.
- In which one of the following the genus name, its two charcters and its phylum are not correctly matched, whereas the remaining three are correct
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Molluscans are soft bodied animals. Their body is unsegmented with a distinct head, muscular foot and visceral hump. In Pila, the buccal cavity contains a resping organ, the radula with transverse rows of teeth.
Correct Option: A
Molluscans are soft bodied animals. Their body is unsegmented with a distinct head, muscular foot and visceral hump. In Pila, the buccal cavity contains a resping organ, the radula with transverse rows of teeth.
- One of the representatives of phylum Arthropoda is:
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Representive of Phylum Arthropoda is silverfish. Arthropoda is the largest phylum of Animalia, which covers two-thirds of all named species.
Correct Option: A
Representive of Phylum Arthropoda is silverfish. Arthropoda is the largest phylum of Animalia, which covers two-thirds of all named species.
- Metameric segmentation is the characteristic of
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Metameric segmentation means body is divided externally as well as internally. This characteristic is present in annelida (eg. earth worm) and arthropoda (eg. cockroach). Their body is divided externally and internally as well.
Correct Option: B
Metameric segmentation means body is divided externally as well as internally. This characteristic is present in annelida (eg. earth worm) and arthropoda (eg. cockroach). Their body is divided externally and internally as well.
- Which of the following featrues is not present in the Phylum - Arthropoda?
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All arthropods possess a stiff exoskeleton (external skeleton) composed primarily of chitin. Arthropod bodies are divided into segments. Parapodia are paired, lateral appendages extending from the body segments. Arthropod appendages may be either biramous (branched) or uniramous (unbranched). They do not possess jointed appendages.
Correct Option: C
All arthropods possess a stiff exoskeleton (external skeleton) composed primarily of chitin. Arthropod bodies are divided into segments. Parapodia are paired, lateral appendages extending from the body segments. Arthropod appendages may be either biramous (branched) or uniramous (unbranched). They do not possess jointed appendages.