Animal Kingdom

  1. Which one of the following phyla is correctly matched with its two general characteristics?

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    Mollusca mostly oviparous and a few viviparous. The development may be direct or indirect with trochophore, velliger and glochidium.

    Correct Option: D

    Mollusca mostly oviparous and a few viviparous. The development may be direct or indirect with trochophore, velliger and glochidium.

  1. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of phylum Annelida?

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    Characteristic of phylum-Annelida is pseudocoelomate. Pseudocoelomate is any invertebrate animal whose body cavity is a pseudocoel, a cavity between the gut and the outer body wall derived from a persistent blastocoel, rather than a true coelom. Pseudocoelomate animal include the Rotifera and Nematoda.

    Correct Option: C

    Characteristic of phylum-Annelida is pseudocoelomate. Pseudocoelomate is any invertebrate animal whose body cavity is a pseudocoel, a cavity between the gut and the outer body wall derived from a persistent blastocoel, rather than a true coelom. Pseudocoelomate animal include the Rotifera and Nematoda.

  1. Which one of the following statements about certain given animals is correct?

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    Acoelomates are animals that have no body cavity or coelom. The examples are poriferans, coelentrates, ctenophores, platyhelminthes and nemertean. Pseudocoelomates are animals that have false or pseudo coelom. Examples are aschelminthes. Coelomates are animals that has true coelom enclosed by mesoderm on both sides. Examples: from annelida to arthropoda are coelomates. Hence roundworms are pseudocoelomates, molluses and insects are coelomates while flatworms are acoelomates.

    Correct Option: A

    Acoelomates are animals that have no body cavity or coelom. The examples are poriferans, coelentrates, ctenophores, platyhelminthes and nemertean. Pseudocoelomates are animals that have false or pseudo coelom. Examples are aschelminthes. Coelomates are animals that has true coelom enclosed by mesoderm on both sides. Examples: from annelida to arthropoda are coelomates. Hence roundworms are pseudocoelomates, molluses and insects are coelomates while flatworms are acoelomates.

  1. One example of animals having a single opening to the outside that serves both as mouth as well as anus is:

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    Fasciola, a flatworm has a single body cavity to the outside that serves both as mouth for ingestion and anus for egestion of undigested food. This is known as blind sac plan.

    Correct Option: D

    Fasciola, a flatworm has a single body cavity to the outside that serves both as mouth for ingestion and anus for egestion of undigested food. This is known as blind sac plan.

  1. The figure shows four animals(a),(b),(c) and(d).
    Select the correct answer with respect to a common characteristics of two of these animals.

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    From annelida to chordata all organisms are eucoelomate. C-Mollusca (Octopus), D-Arthropoda (Scorpion) have a true coelom.

    Correct Option: D

    From annelida to chordata all organisms are eucoelomate. C-Mollusca (Octopus), D-Arthropoda (Scorpion) have a true coelom.