Animal Kingdom

  1. Which one belongs to Platyhelminthes?

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    Schistosoma (Blood fluke) – Platyhelminthes Trypanosoma – Aschelminthes Wuchereria – Aschelminthes Plasmodium – Protozoa

    Correct Option: A

    Schistosoma (Blood fluke) – Platyhelminthes Trypanosoma – Aschelminthes Wuchereria – Aschelminthes Plasmodium – Protozoa

  1. Special character of Coelenterates is

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    Presence of nematocysts or stinging cells are the characteristic feature of the phylum Coelenterata. It serves the function of offence and defence by producing toxin to kill the prey & enemy.

    Correct Option: B

    Presence of nematocysts or stinging cells are the characteristic feature of the phylum Coelenterata. It serves the function of offence and defence by producing toxin to kill the prey & enemy.

  1. What is true about all sponges without exception?

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    Sponges are marine with the exception of family spongilidae, the members of which occur in fresh water e.g. Spongilla. Their endoskeleton is made of either spicules or spongin fibres or both. Sponges reproduce asexually by fragmentation or by budding or through gemmules and reduction bodies. Sponges also exhibit sexual reproduction.

    Correct Option: B

    Sponges are marine with the exception of family spongilidae, the members of which occur in fresh water e.g. Spongilla. Their endoskeleton is made of either spicules or spongin fibres or both. Sponges reproduce asexually by fragmentation or by budding or through gemmules and reduction bodies. Sponges also exhibit sexual reproduction.

  1. Most appropriate term to describe the life cycle of Obelia is

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    Metamorphosis is the gradual transformation of the embryo to the adult through a larval and pupal stage. Alternation of generation is seen in the plant kingdom wherein a haploid gametophyte generation alternates with diploid sporophyte generation. Phenomenon of sexual reproduction by a larva is known as neoteny e.g. Axolotl larva. In Obelia polyps reproduce medusaes asexually and medusae form the polyps sexually. Such alternation of asexual and sexual phases in the life cycle of Obelia is called metagenesis.

    Correct Option: A

    Metamorphosis is the gradual transformation of the embryo to the adult through a larval and pupal stage. Alternation of generation is seen in the plant kingdom wherein a haploid gametophyte generation alternates with diploid sporophyte generation. Phenomenon of sexual reproduction by a larva is known as neoteny e.g. Axolotl larva. In Obelia polyps reproduce medusaes asexually and medusae form the polyps sexually. Such alternation of asexual and sexual phases in the life cycle of Obelia is called metagenesis.

  1. What is common between Ascaris lumbricoides and Anopheles stephensi?

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    Sexual dimorphism is common between Ascaris lumbricoides and Anopheles stephensi. Male and female round worms can be morphologically differentiated. Female Anopheles mosquito is sanguivorous whereas male Anopheles mosquito sucks nectar.

    Correct Option: A

    Sexual dimorphism is common between Ascaris lumbricoides and Anopheles stephensi. Male and female round worms can be morphologically differentiated. Female Anopheles mosquito is sanguivorous whereas male Anopheles mosquito sucks nectar.