Verbal Analogies

  1. __________ is to insects as toxicology is to __________.

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    Clue 1: studying insects
    Clue 2: what does toxicology study

    Correct Option: A

    Entomology is to insects as toxicology is to poison.

  1. Radar is to __________ as to caution is to __________.

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    what is for

    Correct Option: D

    Radar is to collision as caution is to accident.

  1. Airplane is to __________ as alphabet is to __________.

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    what is for

    Correct Option: C

    Airplane is to air as alphabet is to letter.

  1. __________:organization :: Demobilize:__________

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    to exercise an appropriate action

    Correct Option: C

    Organization may disband as a whole.
    Enforcer army may be demobilized for various grounds.

  1. If ‘Asinine’ is for ‘Donkey’, then

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    As we know that
    ‘Asinine’ means ‘ foolish ; or like an ass or donkey’.

    Correct Option: A

    As we know that
    ‘Asinine’ means ‘ foolish ; of or like an ass or donkey’. Similarly, ‘vulpine’ means ‘of or resembling a fox’. ‘Avian means of or pertaining to birds in general and not specifically doves.