Direction: In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

  1. Circumstances forced him to resign his post.

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    He was forced to resign his post. (Passive) The sentence is in Simple Past Tense. (Active)

    Correct Option: B

    He was forced to resign his post. (Passive) The sentence is in Simple Past Tense. (Active)

  1. Promises should be kept.

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    One should keep promises. (Active) The sentence is in Simple Present Tense. (Passive) Modal (should) has been used inActive which changes to should be in Passive.

    Correct Option: D

    One should keep promises. (Active) The sentence is in Simple Present Tense. (Passive) Modal (should) has been used inActive which changes to should be in Passive.

  1. You will be taken care of by me.

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    I will take care of you. (Active) The sentence is in Simple Future Tense. (Passive)

    Correct Option: C

    I will take care of you. (Active) The sentence is in Simple Future Tense. (Passive)

  1. We found him a good wife.

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    He was found a good wife by us. (Passive) The sentence is in Simple Past Tense. (Active)

    Correct Option: A

    He was found a good wife by us. (Passive) The sentence is in Simple Past Tense. (Active)

  1. The boys saved many elders from being drowned.

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    Many elders were saved from being drowned by the boys. (Passive) The sentence is in Simple Past Tense. (Active)

    Correct Option: C

    Many elders were saved from being drowned by the boys. (Passive) The sentence is in Simple Past Tense. (Active)