Direction: In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive /Active Voice.

  1. Has he completed the assignments?

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    Has/have + Subject + been + V3 + by + Object (Passive)

    Correct Option: B

    Has/have + Subject + been + V3 + by + Object (Passive)

  1. People say that he is a spy.

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    Correct Option: D

  1. Take the medicine.

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    Let the medicine be taken. (Passive)

    Correct Option: A

    Let the medicine be taken. (Passive)

  1. I cannot trust him any more.

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    He cannot be trusted by me any more. (Passive)

    Correct Option: C

    He cannot be trusted by me any more. (Passive)

  1. We prohibit smoking.

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    Correct Option: D