
Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which expresses the correct meaning of the given word.

  1. KNAVE

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    scoundrel (Noun) : a man who treats other people badly, by being dishonest or immoral; rogue
    knave (Noun) : a dishonest man or boy
    emperor (Noun) : the ruler of an empire
    enchanter (Noun) : a person who has magic powers that he uses to control people
    soldier (Noun) : a member who is not an officer

    Correct Option: D

    scoundrel (Noun) : a man who treats other people badly, by being dishonest or immoral; rogue
    knave (Noun) : a dishonest man or boy
    emperor (Noun) : the ruler of an empire
    enchanter (Noun) : a person who has magic powers that he uses to control people
    soldier (Noun) : a member who is not an officer


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    bliss (Noun) : extreme happiness
    felicity (Noun) : great happiness prosperity (Noun) : the state of being sucessful, especially in
    making money
    honesty (Noun) : the quality of being honest or truthful
    sorrow (Noun) : the feeling of great sadness; grief

    Correct Option: C

    bliss (Noun) : extreme happiness
    felicity (Noun) : great happiness prosperity (Noun) : the state of being sucessful, especially in
    making money
    honesty (Noun) : the quality of being honest or truthful
    sorrow (Noun) : the feeling of great sadness; grief


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    faultless (Adjective) : having no mistakes; perfect
    irreproachable (Adjective) : free from fault and impossible to criticize; blameless
    remarkable (Adjective) : unusual or surprising in way that causes people to take notice ; astonishing
    extraordinary (Adjective) : surprising or strange; incredible
    immense (Adjective) : extremely large or great; enormous

    Correct Option: C

    faultless (Adjective) : having no mistakes; perfect
    irreproachable (Adjective) : free from fault and impossible to criticize; blameless
    remarkable (Adjective) : unusual or surprising in way that causes people to take notice ; astonishing
    extraordinary (Adjective) : surprising or strange; incredible
    immense (Adjective) : extremely large or great; enormous

Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.


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    meeting (Noun) : an occasion when people came together to discuss or decide something
    congregation (Noun) : a group of people who are gathered to- gether in a church to worship
    concentration (Noun) : the ability to direct all your effort and attention on one thing, without
    thinking of other things
    discussion (Noun) : a conversation about somebody or something
    judgement (Noun) : the decision of a court or judge

    Correct Option: B

    meeting (Noun) : an occasion when people came together to discuss or decide something
    congregation (Noun) : a group of people who are gathered to- gether in a church to worship
    concentration (Noun) : the ability to direct all your effort and attention on one thing, without
    thinking of other things
    discussion (Noun) : a conversation about somebody or something
    judgement (Noun) : the decision of a court or judge


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    cripple (Verb) : to damage somebody’s body so that he may no longer be able to move or walk normally; disable
    incapacitate (Verb) : to make somebody or something unable to live or work normally
    strengthen (Verb) : to become stronger
    imprison (Verb) : to put somebody in a prison or jail
    invent (Verb) : to produce or design something that has not existed before

    Correct Option: A

    cripple (Verb) : to damage somebody’s body so that he may no longer be able to move or walk normally; disable
    incapacitate (Verb) : to make somebody or something unable to live or work normally
    strengthen (Verb) : to become stronger
    imprison (Verb) : to put somebody in a prison or jail
    invent (Verb) : to produce or design something that has not existed before