Paragraph Formation

Direction: The sentences given in each question, when arranged in the proper sequence, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter/number. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

  1. A. The sickest of such men is least aware of them.
    B. We find that what we thought was a cold or a sprain was in fact gout.
    C. However the diseases of the soul grow more obscure even as they grow stronger.
    D. The diseases of the body become more pronounced as they grow.

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    D B and C A are the keys. Passage must begin with D which introduces the topic telling ‘The diseases of the body become more pronounced’. A, B, C cannot begin the passage with their ‘The sickest of such men,’ ‘We find that what,’ and ‘However the diseases’ respectively.

    Correct Option: D

    D B and C A are the keys. Passage must begin with D which introduces the topic telling ‘The diseases of the body become more pronounced’. A, B, C cannot begin the passage with their ‘The sickest of such men,’ ‘We find that what,’ and ‘However the diseases’ respectively. B should follow D because it further talks about the diseases of the body. Except (d) other options are wrong as the link DB is absent in them.

  1. A. I feared however that some people might not understand why I chose the name I did.
    B. I have decided to ask him to write out my studio's name in large characters that I will display on a pillar.
    C. His writing is quite unusual and imposing.
    D. My friend is a Hsiang excels at large-style calligraphy.

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    D C is the key. C should follow D with its ‘His writing is’ which refers to ‘Is’ai Hsiang’ mentioned by D. Option (b): Passage wrongly begins with A whereas A should follow B.

    Correct Option: A

    D C is the key. C should follow D with its ‘His writing is’ which refers to ‘Is’ai Hsiang’ mentioned by D. Option (b): Passage wrongly begins with A whereas A should follow B. Option (c) and Option (d): Passage begins with D but the link DC is missing. Except (a) other options are wrong.

Direction: Arrange the sentences A, B, C and D to form a logical sequence between sentences 1 and 6.

  1. 1. You must recognize your rights and stand up for them.
    A. You lose freedom of movement.
    B. If you do not, other people define your role for you, and you stop being yourself.
    C. You become the “encapsulated person” and pay the price for this with neurotic behavior.
    D. Your life space decreases.
    6. Many people have this difficulty because they don’t have a clear cut idea of what their rights are.

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    Correct Option: C


  1. 1. Why are horses the same?
    A. It may be old and lame and in time it will die.
    B. A particular horse ‘flows’ naturally.
    C. But there is something which is common in all horses.
    D. You probably don’t think they are at all.
    6. But the ‘form’ of the horse is eternal and immutable.

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    Correct Option: B


  1. 1. Sports broadcasters often have only a shaky grip on grammar and on the connection between words and meaning.
    A. This sort of thing is by no means confined to the sports world.
    B. They have become confused in some journalistic minds with intended victims, but intended victims are sometimes rendered as would-be victims, who apparently go out in the hope of being robbed.
    C. For example, we have all heard about alleged victims.
    D. During one football game, the announcer told viewers that because of the way some of the boxes in the Super-dome were placed, he could not visually see them.
    6. An ironic thing is happening now.

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    Correct Option: C
