
Direction: The King of Kanchi set off to conquer Karnat. He was victorious in the battle. The elephants were laden with sandalwood, Ivory, gold and precious stones taken from the conquered kingdom of Karnat. They would be a part of the victory parade for his subjects. On his way back home, he stopped at a temple, finished his prayers to the goddess and turned to leave. Around his neck was a garland of scarlet hibiscus and was the custom for all, his forehead was anointed with red sandal paste. His Minister and the court jester were his only companions. At one spot, in a mango grove by the wayside, they spied some children play. The king said, “Let me go and see what they are playing.”
The children had lined up two rows of clay dolls and were playing warriors and battles. The king asked, “Who is fighting whom?” They said, “karnat is at battle with Kanchi.” The King asked, “who is winning and who is the loser?” The children puffed their chests up and said, “karnat will win and kanchi will lose.” The Minister froze in disbelief, the King was furious and the jester burst into laughter. The king was soon joined by his troops and the children were still immersed in their game. The King commanded, “Cane them hard.” The children’s parents came running from the nearby village and said, “They are naive, it was just a game, please grant them pardon.”

  1. Why did the king anoint his head with red sandal paste ?

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    Refer to the lines, 'Around his neck was a garland of scarlet hibiscus and as was the custom for all, his forehead was anointed with red sandal paste.

    Correct Option: B

    Refer to the lines, 'Around his neck was a garland of scarlet hibiscus and as was the custom for all, his forehead was anointed with red sandal paste.

Direction: In many of the process control applications, the purpose of control system is to keep the output (controlled variable) almost constant in spite of changes in load. Mostly in continuous processes the set point remains constant for longer time. Such an operation is called 'Regulator Operation'. The set point generated, and the actual values from sensors are given to a controller. The controller compares both the signals, generates error signal which is utilized to generate a final signal as controller output. The controller output is finally utilized to physically change the values of manipulated variable to achieve stability. The above action is achieved with the help of final control elements. They are operatable either with electrical, pneumatic or with hydraulic signals. The system that serves good for servo operation will generally not be the best for regulator operation. Large capacity or inertia helps to minimize error here, whereas it makes the system sluggish in case of servo operation.

  1. Which out of these is not the operational signal for control system ?

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    The details given in 4th, 5th and 6th sentence of the passage clearly prove that it is mechanical.

    Correct Option: A

    The details given in 4th, 5th and 6th sentence of the passage clearly prove that it is mechanical.

Direction: Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it.
Honest self-criticism plays a vital role to purify our souls and to light the path of blissful success. The Holy Quran says: Truly he has succeeded who purifies it. And Truly, he has failed who defiles it. In fact, self criticism seems like a fairly straight-forward concept. It means acknowledging that we have committed a sin, whether against ourselves or other, be it Our Creator or anyone or anything in creation. For most of us, such a confession is an incredibly tough thing to do. Pride prevents us from owning our faults, especially before people when it is necessary. It behoves us to recall that being honest with ourselves is actually a way to enjoy life, rather than make it tougher. It is a fact that the best way to prevent ourselves from committing haram acts is to really investigate whether or not such activities are permissible in Islam and to refrain from doing them if they are not permissible

  1. According to the passage, who has failed ?

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    The author says that the person who defiles his soul has failed

    Correct Option: C

    The author says that the person who defiles his soul has failed

Direction: In many of the process control applications, the purpose of control system is to keep the output (controlled variable) almost constant in spite of changes in load. Mostly in continuous processes the set point remains constant for longer time. Such an operation is called 'Regulator Operation'. The set point generated, and the actual values from sensors are given to a controller. The controller compares both the signals, generates error signal which is utilized to generate a final signal as controller output. The controller output is finally utilized to physically change the values of manipulated variable to achieve stability. The above action is achieved with the help of final control elements. They are operatable either with electrical, pneumatic or with hydraulic signals. The system that serves good for servo operation will generally not be the best for regulator operation. Large capacity or inertia helps to minimize error here, whereas it makes the system sluggish in case of servo operation.

  1. How is the constant value maintained ?

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    All the three options are discussed categorically throughout the length of the passage and are not easy to escape themselves from a reader.

    Correct Option: D

    All the three options are discussed categorically throughout the length of the passage and are not easy to escape themselves from a reader.

Direction: The King of Kanchi set off to conquer Karnat. He was victorious in the battle. The elephants were laden with sandalwood, Ivory, gold and precious stones taken from the conquered kingdom of Karnat. They would be a part of the victory parade for his subjects. On his way back home, he stopped at a temple, finished his prayers to the goddess and turned to leave. Around his neck was a garland of scarlet hibiscus and was the custom for all, his forehead was anointed with red sandal paste. His Minister and the court jester were his only companions. At one spot, in a mango grove by the wayside, they spied some children play. The king said, “Let me go and see what they are playing.”
The children had lined up two rows of clay dolls and were playing warriors and battles. The king asked, “Who is fighting whom?” They said, “karnat is at battle with Kanchi.” The King asked, “who is winning and who is the loser?” The children puffed their chests up and said, “karnat will win and kanchi will lose.” The Minister froze in disbelief, the King was furious and the jester burst into laughter. The king was soon joined by his troops and the children were still immersed in their game. The King commanded, “Cane them hard.” The children’s parents came running from the nearby village and said, “They are naive, it was just a game, please grant them pardon.”

  1. Why were the elephants carrying loads of gold and other valuables ?

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    Refer to the first line of the passage. It clearly states that it was that the king had plundered from Karnat to display to the people of his kingdom as a sign of victory.

    Correct Option: C

    Refer to the first line of the passage. It clearly states that it was that the king had plundered from Karnat to display to the people of his kingdom as a sign of victory.