Programming and data structure miscellaneous

Programming and data structure miscellaneous

Programming & Data Structure

  1. Which combination of the integer variables x, y and z makes the variable a get the value 4 in the following expression ?
    a = (x > y)? ((x > z)? x : z) : ((y > z)? y : z)

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    The operator “?:” in C is the ternary operator which means that, if the expression is exp 1? exp2: exp3, so it means, if exp1 is true then exp2 is returned as the answer else exp3 is the required answer.
    So, in the given expression let us consider x = 3, y = 4, z = 2,
    Then, expression becomes a = (3 > 4)? ((3 > 2)? 3:2): ((4>2?4:2)
    From this, we get that 3>4 is false so we go for the else part of the statement which is 4>2 and is true thus, the answer is 4, the true part of the statement.

    Correct Option: A

    The operator “?:” in C is the ternary operator which means that, if the expression is exp 1? exp2: exp3, so it means, if exp1 is true then exp2 is returned as the answer else exp3 is the required answer.
    So, in the given expression let us consider x = 3, y = 4, z = 2,
    Then, expression becomes a = (3 > 4)? ((3 > 2)? 3:2): ((4>2?4:2)
    From this, we get that 3>4 is false so we go for the else part of the statement which is 4>2 and is true thus, the answer is 4, the true part of the statement.

  1. Consider the program below :
    #include < stdio.h >
    int fun (int n, int * f_p){
       int t, f;
    if (n < = 1) {
       *f_p = 1
       return 1;
       t = fun (n – 1, *f_p);
       f = t + *f_p; *f_p = t;
       return f;
       int main () {
       int x = 15;
         printf (“% d\n”, fun (5, & x));
        return 0;
    The value printed is

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    The program calculates nth Fibonacci Number. The statement t = fun (n-1, fp) gives the (n-1)th Fibonacci number and *fp is used to store the (n-2)th Fibonacci Number. Initial value of *fp (which is 15 in the above program) doesn't matter. Following recursion tree shows all steps from 1 to 10, for exceution of fun(5, &x).

    Correct Option: B

    The program calculates nth Fibonacci Number. The statement t = fun (n-1, fp) gives the (n-1)th Fibonacci number and *fp is used to store the (n-2)th Fibonacci Number. Initial value of *fp (which is 15 in the above program) doesn't matter. Following recursion tree shows all steps from 1 to 10, for exceution of fun(5, &x).

  1. What is the value printed by the following C program ?
    #include < stdio.h>
    int f (int *a, int n)
       if (n < = 0) return 0;
        else if (*a% 2 = = 0) return *a + f(a + 1, n – 1);
        else return *a – f(a + 1, n – 1);
    int main ()
        int a [] = {12, 7, 13, 4, 11, 6};
        print f (“%d, f(a, 6));
    return 0,

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    f() is a recursive function which adds f(a + 1, n – 1) to *a if *a is even. If *a is odd then f() subtracts f(a + 1, n – 1) from *a. See below recursion tree for execution of f(a, 6).
    f(add(12), 6) /*Since 12 is first element. a contains
    address of 12 */
    12 + f(add(7), 5) /* Since 7 is the next element, a+1 contains address of 7 */
    7 – f(add(13), 4)
    13 – f(add(4), 3)
    4 + f(add(11), 2)
      11 – f(add(6), 1)
      6 + 0
    So, the final returned value is
    12 + (7 – (13 – (4 + (11 – (6 + 0))))) = 15

    Correct Option: C

    f() is a recursive function which adds f(a + 1, n – 1) to *a if *a is even. If *a is odd then f() subtracts f(a + 1, n – 1) from *a. See below recursion tree for execution of f(a, 6).
    f(add(12), 6) /*Since 12 is first element. a contains
    address of 12 */
    12 + f(add(7), 5) /* Since 7 is the next element, a+1 contains address of 7 */
    7 – f(add(13), 4)
    13 – f(add(4), 3)
    4 + f(add(11), 2)
      11 – f(add(6), 1)
      6 + 0
    So, the final returned value is
    12 + (7 – (13 – (4 + (11 – (6 + 0))))) = 15

  1. The program below uses six temporary variables a, b, c, d, e, f.
    a = 1
    b = 10
    c = 20
    d = a + b
    e = c + d
    f = c + e
    b = c + e
    e = b + f
    d = 5 + e
    return d + f Assuming that all operations take their operands from registers, what is the minimum number of registers needed to execute this program without spilling ?

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    Let AX, BX, CX be three registers used to store results of temporary variables a, b, c, d, e, f.
    a(AX) = 1
    b(BX) = 10
    c(CX) = 20
    d(AX) = a(AX) + b(BX)
    e(BX) = c(CX) + d(AX)
    f(AX) = c(CX) + e(BX)
    b(BX) = c(CX) + e(BX)
    e(BX) = b(BX) + f(AX)
    d(CX) = 5 + e(BX)
    return d(CX) + f(AX)
    Thus, only 3 registers can be used without any overwriting of data.

    Correct Option: B

    Let AX, BX, CX be three registers used to store results of temporary variables a, b, c, d, e, f.
    a(AX) = 1
    b(BX) = 10
    c(CX) = 20
    d(AX) = a(AX) + b(BX)
    e(BX) = c(CX) + d(AX)
    f(AX) = c(CX) + e(BX)
    b(BX) = c(CX) + e(BX)
    e(BX) = b(BX) + f(AX)
    d(CX) = 5 + e(BX)
    return d(CX) + f(AX)
    Thus, only 3 registers can be used without any overwriting of data.

  1. The following program is to be tested for statement coverage.
    if (a = = b) {S1; exit;}
    else, if (c = = d) {S2;}
    else {S3; exit;}
    The test cases T1, T2, T3 and T4 given below are expressed in terms of the properties satisfied by the values of variables a, b, c and d. The exact values are not given.
    T1 : a, b, c and d are all equal
    T2 : a, b, c and d are all distinct
    T3 : a = b and c! = d
    T4 : a! = b and c = d
    Which of the test suites given below ensures coverage of statements S1, S12, S3 and S4 ?

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    In a given program we take the test cases and apply.
    First take T1, if all value equal means
    a = b = c = d
    So, due to T1, a = b condition satisfied and S1 and S4 executed.
    So, from T2 when all a, b, c, d distinct.
    S1, S2 not execute, S3 execute.
    from T3 when a = b then, S1 execute but c = d so, S2 not execute but S3 and S4 execute but we have no need of T3 because we get all result from above two.
    By using T4. If a! = b and c = d
    So, S1 not execute and S2 and S4 execute so all of S1, S2, S3, S4 execute and covered by T1, T2 and T4.

    Correct Option: D

    In a given program we take the test cases and apply.
    First take T1, if all value equal means
    a = b = c = d
    So, due to T1, a = b condition satisfied and S1 and S4 executed.
    So, from T2 when all a, b, c, d distinct.
    S1, S2 not execute, S3 execute.
    from T3 when a = b then, S1 execute but c = d so, S2 not execute but S3 and S4 execute but we have no need of T3 because we get all result from above two.
    By using T4. If a! = b and c = d
    So, S1 not execute and S2 and S4 execute so all of S1, S2, S3, S4 execute and covered by T1, T2 and T4.