Physical geography miscellaneous
- A place where there is constant intermingling of salt water and fresh water is ____
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Estuaries form a transition zone between river environments and ocean environments and are subject to both marine influences, such as tides, waves, and the influx of saline water; and riverine influences, such as flows of fresh water and sediment. The inflow of both seawater and freshwater provide high levels of nutrients in both the water column and sediment, making estuaries among the most productive natural habitats in the world.
Correct Option: A
Estuaries form a transition zone between river environments and ocean environments and are subject to both marine influences, such as tides, waves, and the influx of saline water; and riverine influences, such as flows of fresh water and sediment. The inflow of both seawater and freshwater provide high levels of nutrients in both the water column and sediment, making estuaries among the most productive natural habitats in the world.
- Which from the following, is a landlocked sea ?
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Aral sea is a land locked sea. The Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since the 1960s after the rivers that fed it were diverted by Soviet Union irrigation projects. It lies between Kazakhstan in the north and Karakalpakstan, an autonomous region of Uzbekistan, in the south. Its area is of 68,000 square kilometres The landlocked seas are Aral Sea, Caspian Sea, Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake, Salton Sea and Sea of Galilee. Landlocked seas may are also considered lakes as the definition of a lake is “a large body of freshwater surrounded by land”.
Correct Option: E
Aral sea is a land locked sea. The Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since the 1960s after the rivers that fed it were diverted by Soviet Union irrigation projects. It lies between Kazakhstan in the north and Karakalpakstan, an autonomous region of Uzbekistan, in the south. Its area is of 68,000 square kilometres The landlocked seas are Aral Sea, Caspian Sea, Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake, Salton Sea and Sea of Galilee. Landlocked seas may are also considered lakes as the definition of a lake is “a large body of freshwater surrounded by land”.
- Which of the following oceans has the shape of the English alphabet S ?
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Atlantic Ocean has the shape of an English alphabet S. Indian Ocean has ‘M’ Shape. The Arctic Ocean has ‘U’ shape, while the Pacific Ocean is triangular in shape.
Correct Option: C
Atlantic Ocean has the shape of an English alphabet S. Indian Ocean has ‘M’ Shape. The Arctic Ocean has ‘U’ shape, while the Pacific Ocean is triangular in shape.
- A special type of well in which water rises automatically under the pressure of a column of water to the ground surface through a hole is known as
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An artesian well is a pumpless water source that uses pipes to allow underground water that is under pressure to rise to the surface. This type of well seems to defy gravity because the pressure that builds up between layers of rock gets relieved when the water finds a path to the open air. In addition, the water has been naturally filtered because it passes through porous rock as it seeps into the Earth to reach the aquifer, which is the underground water source. For centuries, people have drilled artesian wells to drink filtered water that doesn’t need to be manually or mechanically hauled up from the depths.
Correct Option: A
An artesian well is a pumpless water source that uses pipes to allow underground water that is under pressure to rise to the surface. This type of well seems to defy gravity because the pressure that builds up between layers of rock gets relieved when the water finds a path to the open air. In addition, the water has been naturally filtered because it passes through porous rock as it seeps into the Earth to reach the aquifer, which is the underground water source. For centuries, people have drilled artesian wells to drink filtered water that doesn’t need to be manually or mechanically hauled up from the depths.
- The sea bed sloping gradually and bordering the continent is known as :
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The continental shelf is the extended perimeter of each continent and associated coastal plain. Much of the shelf was exposed during glacial periods, but is now submerged under relatively shallow seas (known as shelf seas) and gulfs, and was almost similarly submerged during other interglacial periods. The continental margin, between the continental shelf and the abyssal plain, comprises a steep continental slope followed by the flatter continental rise. Sediment from the continent above cascades down the slope and accumulates as a pile of sediment at the base of the slope, called the continental rise. Though the continental shelf is treated as a physiographic province of the ocean, it is not part of the deep ocean basin proper, but the flooded margins of the continent.
Correct Option: B
The continental shelf is the extended perimeter of each continent and associated coastal plain. Much of the shelf was exposed during glacial periods, but is now submerged under relatively shallow seas (known as shelf seas) and gulfs, and was almost similarly submerged during other interglacial periods. The continental margin, between the continental shelf and the abyssal plain, comprises a steep continental slope followed by the flatter continental rise. Sediment from the continent above cascades down the slope and accumulates as a pile of sediment at the base of the slope, called the continental rise. Though the continental shelf is treated as a physiographic province of the ocean, it is not part of the deep ocean basin proper, but the flooded margins of the continent.