
Direction: In each of the following questions two sets of pictures (Question Figure and Answer Figure) are given. In the Question Figure set, a series pattern (a), (b), (c), and (d) is given, you have to find out the answer for the question mark from the Answer Figure (1, 2, 3, 4) which complete the series for Question Figure.

  1. find out the answer for the question mark that completes the series from the Answer Figures.

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    Arrow moves anti clock wise at 45 degree.

    Correct Option: A

    Arrow moves anti clock wise at 45 degree.

  1. find out the answer for the question mark that completes the series from the Answer Figures.

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    All the elements of the top row moves to second row, second row elements move to third row and third row elements move to first row.

    Correct Option: B

    All the elements of the top row moves to second row, second row elements move to third row and third row elements move to first row.

  1. find out the answer for the question mark that completes the series from the Answer Figures.

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    Every time one line segment joints the figure.

    Correct Option: B

    Every time one line segment joints the figure.

  1. find out the answer for the question mark that completes the series from the Answer Figures.

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    Every time the centre figure (circle and the radius) moves 90 degree clockwise.

    Correct Option: D

    Every time the centre figure (circle and the radius) moves 90 degree clockwise.

  1. find out the answer for the question mark that completes the series from the Answer Figures.

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    The element in the first two figure changes its position diagonally and central figure remains same.

    Correct Option: C

    The element in the first two figure changes its position diagonally and central figure remains same.